A torrent of primal, but mixed feelings swirled within Dorugoramon. On one hand, the crippling fear she experienced at the sight of the expanse of blue meant that she was stuck on her perch, crying like a frightened hatchling. She didn't seem to care why that feeling of terror existed; to her, it was just there. She could just flew over the water, but that idea only fed her hydrophobia and made her even more agitated. It was clear that she wasn't going to cross the Tokyo Bay anytime soon to get to Millenniummon, even though it was clear that the others were taking it apart, something she had been dying to do the moment she opened her eyes. On the other hand, it frustrated her to be unable to reach the abomination and that frustration was building up, fueling the inner fury she was born with. She wanted it dead just as much as the other Digimons around her and it pissed her off to see them able to trash the weakened monster while she was stuck here, her body unwilling to move towards it. Examon Mordred, BanchoLeomon and UlforceVeedramon were all doing their part in utterly and completely savaging their common enemy. Even Rodendramon, which she nearly thought of as food at first, and the annoying pest-like Parasimon were being more useful, and inflicting more damage, against Millenniummon than she ever did. That sense of helplessness and weakness didn't sit well with the feral Digimon, even though she didn't fully comprehend why she was so angry about it. The burning flash, followed by Millenniummon's desperate roar, was the straw that broke the angry camel's back. With a savage snarl, Dorugoramon stood up on the slowly crumbling roof, pulled her arms back and felt nothing but heat as the metallic forearms and sharp claws were completely cloaked in raging fire that seemed to increase dramatically in intensity with every passing second, yet the raging flames didn't seem to bother her. She then took a strangely human fighting stance, her feet split while her knees bent to support her body, with her eyes completely glued onto Millenniummon's ravaged form within the beam of light. In a split second, the fire coating her forearms receded into the palms of her claws as she took flight once more. Letting out a furious roar of her own, said roar acting as a warning to nearby Digimon to stay away and some sort of feral proclamation at Millenniummon, Dorugoramon unleashed her DORU Din, expelling an explosive shockwave of fiery fire in a condensed, beam-like form. With the air around the abomination already sizzling from Parasimon's attack, the resulting draft easily carried the attack over to further sear the battered monster.