After a short nauseating eternity, Charlie Anders felt the world stop not being there. Coming to suddenly have sense once more, he stood shakily on his feet. Paling and holding his hands out for support, he breathed in and out deeply. "I'm good." He stated aloud, seconds before sliding against a wall and down to his rump. "Still good." He assured himself. The living light that had brought him here sung lowly ahead of him. The somewhat green thing seeming to stare into him. [color=c4df9b]"Come now Charlie, we are slightly behind."[/color] Charlie didn't exactly understand what was going on still, but he just sort of sighed and nodded in a defeated way, before putting a fair bit of effort into standing, and subsequenly following his illuminating guide out of the stone holding he was in. Coming into a dimly lit plane, he looked about at quite a few other figure, all conversing, with their own respective orbs near them. "Alright. I got this." Shaking out some nervousness he felt the new fabric and pressure on his body. Looking over himself he realized he had already become his new self. "Convenient." He stated with some slight trepidation. [color=a2d39c]"Quite, now. Mingle."[/color] Less of an order and more of a slight scolding, the orb told Charlie what to do yet again. And of course Charlie complied. "Uh...Hello!" He shrugged out to the crowd. While a certain giant skeleton was drawing most of his attention, he was open to anyone. Though he figured the blue ranger and actual ranger near him would be a fair place to start. [hr] Coming from the streamers of light and vanishing universe, Sofie giggled at herself as she felt the cold ground under her. She didn't know what had happened, nor where she was, but she knew she must look quite silly. [color=6ecff6]"Okay! Okay! I'm here!"[/color] she managed between laughs. The orb that had brought her buzzed in circles around her head. [color=00aeef]"Yes, yes! Here!"[/color] After some slow paced adjusting, Sofie found herself in her new garb before she had even left the building. Pacing out of the stone thing she admired her new and fascinating self. Eventually her eyes rising to the large collection of people standing ahead of her. [color=6ecff6]"Oh right. Friends!"[/color] She said in a jovial manner. Her orb bobbed next to her. [color=00aeef]"Friends!"[/color] It said happily. Looking to the beings all around she scanned for who she most wanted to meet first. Of course some characters seemed more...unique, then others, she spotted someone quite young, and thought she might want to say hello to him first. Bounding her way over she took in eye-fulls of the others, setting a list of people she would soon be befriending. Coming up quickly to the boy though, she slowed and beamed at him at his side. [color=6ecff6]"Lovely night!"[/color] was all she said to the three.