The azure blue '56 buick regal pulled into the empty parking space in front of the old building. Plastered on its wall was a poster, 'Live Music' and from inside came the unmistakable beat of some band being played badly. The hour ride was smooth and without incident adding a bit of ease to the dark haired driver. His hazel eyes looked round the street of the building. It was even less busy outside than inside. The only sign of life was two young women plastered with clown makeup, smoking off to the side. Sebastián slipped his hand into the back of his pocket, finding a folded piece of paper and opened it. [i]Solenne Nocturne[/i] [i]6 Delancey St[/i] He glanced down before looking up at the numbers displayed on the front of the place. The numbers matched the same numbers on the piece paper. " *[color=9e0b0f]Avas,[/color]" He spoke softly as pulled the keys out of the ignition, pocketing both the keys and paper back into his pocket. This as one place he did not want to be but there wasn't a lot of choice. A few hundred years ago, a non-aggression pact was made, as long as none of the gypsies interferes with the vampires business of New York. The gypsies were allowed to stay. However, any supernatural gypsies that steps foot, had to come forth to the vampire Elder. It has been two days since they're arrival to the city with the tribe. Another day more would had been insulting and would be the beginning of a unwanted conflict. Jovanka looked over at her brother and then over at the building and turned to her brother once more. Jovanka did not want to come, she wanted to be among her people. Back at home, it was rough but it was safe. She parts her lips to speak only to be hush by the older sibling. "[color=9e0b0f]*Pen, I am here. It will not be long, we go inside, introduce to the *moolo and we will be back with the tribe.[/color]" There was silence from Jovanka as she paused and looked thoughtful, before smiling, she opened the door as she slid out of the car. Sebastián walked over to her, sliding his arm through Jovanka's, partly as a show of brother's affection, but mainly so he could pull her from harm's way. The two headed inside, in search of the vampire. To say the place was in dire need of a refurnish was an understatement. The area was too closed off, causing little to no space for the growing crowd. Sebastián cursed silently to himself as he felt the nails of his sister dig into his arm. To the average eye, it was a swarm of people out for a fun night. To Jovanka, it was burning turmoil as she avoids the contact of the passing patrons. Jovanka felt the muscles of his arm tighten, tensing of the discomfort that she reflecting upon him. " [color=92278f]Estaré bien, Sebastián.[/color]" Sebastián nodded, looking out at the singing man on stage absently before he pushed his way into the crowd, seeking to find a vampire for assistant, with his sister in toll. [hider=My Hider] *Come *Sister *the devil in possession of a corpse * I will be fine [/hider]