Krystoff choked down a third slice of pizza, listening intently. "I think we're missing one possibility. Maybe whatever or whoever is causing this already close to the docks? It could have the nearest and most convenient location to dump their batch of experiments. It's isolated enough that civilians wouldn't be hurt, even if we Slayers went to exterminate them." Krystoff guzzled a glass of water, feeling like he couldn't get enough. Azoth always had a funny effect on him after using Devil's Fang. Something of its energy always had an oddly lingering effect. "So what's the next move, honestly? Do we investigate or do we call Malthias and hope that he finally does something for us instead of god knows what, for once?" The last came out slightly bitter. They rarely saw their adoptive father, and when they did it was a fleeting greeting and possible debriefing of their numbers since the last visit. "Either way, if this keeps up, we're gonna need help. Maybe it's time to call in some of the out-of-towners and get some more hands and firepower behind our little brigade?" Krystoff suggested, between large bites of pizza. As he finished the slice, he wiped his hands with a napkin and dropped it onto his plate. "But we have more of a personal problem... Jack is taking whatever happened to him pretty personally. I'm a little nervous at he'll do if he does find a pack of Skinwalkers, by himself." Krystoff filled the last statement with unmistakable emphasis.