[center] [b]|Full Name|[/b] Aven Neel Koroline [hr] [center][img]https://farm5.staticflickr.com/4110/4969568023_61ecb24944_z.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [i]Age:[/i] 14 [i]Gender:[/i] Male [i]Birthday:[/i] December, 29 [i]Spieces:[/i] Mutant [i]Power|[/i] Emotional Response ] Is an ability that allows the user to respond to negative emotions. Feelings like, dejection, anger, or regret are on the top lists of this ability. The user can actually solve the problem by reading the target's memories and figuring out a way to solve the problem. Targets affected by this power usually forget that anything ever happened to them; usually coming out as a 'voice' speaking to them. Emotional Response can also teleport the user if he/she chooses to. Those with more negative emotions allow the user to teleport to he/she quickly and aid the target. In a neutral state of mind the user is overcome with multiple voices's, multiple thoughts and whispers being heard with the user; soon enough the user becomes autistic ( I am truly sorry if I use this term in a 'wrong way' ) these thoughts literally change the user into a person who they weren't before. Aside from it's actual usage the user is able to delve into whatever memory the target has, the user can use the 'forget' ability multiple times though memories of himself can only be erased from others. [b]Coates or Townie?[/b] Townie [hr] [i]Personality| [/i] As said Aven has become the Autistic one, due to multiple thought's and whispers speaking his mind loudly he cannot simply concentrate on one thing. When he received his powers pain was ignited within him and he couldn't exactly control himself. Now the current Aven is all jittery, he is supposedly calm and he mostly concentrates on figuring out where all the negative emotions are. Whenever he speaks he describes everything in 'confusing' ways, " The pain, it hurts. The yells and screams. A little girl dying in a back ally. " Some shit like that is what Aven casually says. [hr] [i]Brief History:[/i] Aven lived in a small town far from most cities. The closest city was 9 hour's away; Aven lived a normal, depressed life and was a common introvert. Lacking in friends he'd usually spend his time reading books or actually doing something productive with his life, unlike most other teenagers of whom spend their time on computers or phone's that kill time. Having a single mother to his side Aven always calls her the best. Aven's mother loved him dearly and so did he; both having the common interest they usually spend time together tending to the garden or speaking about politic's that enact. Aven knows little about his actual past; how he was born is unknown to him though he doesn't let that kind of questions get to his large brain. Aven attends the local school, his friends are strange ones. Having two at his side both of them are older and are senior's. It seems unlikely that he would hang out with that kind of people but...life is life isn't it? [hr] [i]Theme Song:[/i] Seafret : Oceans [/center]