The Akiyama Family, as part of their 'cover', owned a publishing company close to Takaki's ramen shop, or rather, they owned it on paper, but left it to a group of loyal subordinates to administer. Said publishing company had a high rooftop, unnaturally free from dust, bird dung, or other dirt...which was also a place that Osamu Akiyama, the youngest of the family, was permitted to use in his job of observing the battles of the White Night. Right now, with his vision-enhancing spell (Stellar Sight), Osamu was observing a girl who [i]may[/i] be Asami Ando, the girl who was supposedly 'Closer to the Origin'. She was apparently doing nothing more than getting a bite to eat, and Osamu, for now, didn't think she was up to anything suspicious, although he didn't like the fact that her family kept boasting about being their closeness to The Origin'. Speaking of the Origin; this whole 'Mage War' business was dangerous and borderline immoral! Yes, Osamu was tempted by the immense power of the Ritual, who wouldn't be? But the [i]act[/i] of seeking out that power required a lot of horrible things that he cannot abide, at least, not at his age. Power, power, and power, power was nothing without purpose, and said purpose should [i]not[/i] be gaining more power. Magic had the potential for so much good, but, well... Tangent, Osamu privately believed that the ban on Magic in Christian Scripture came not just from hatred of what was different, but also from [i]Magi using Magic the way Religion is used today[/i]. Granted, this might be an unfounded statement, but it fit his...prejudices. Either way, the point was, Magic was used for a lot of evil, corrupt, horrible things, or just plain dubious. That just shouldn't be.