With a slight raise of his eyebrow, Hideaki accepted the bento box handed to him by the younger, less foxy Volkov sister. He looked at the drink - grape soda, bad for the teeth - and then peeked into the bento - the usual faire, nothing special. After quickly verifying that there wasn't laxative or some kind of poison tainting his bento, as was usual protocol, he glanced around the rooftop for a free spot. He spotted a suitable seat that was close-but-not-too-close to the group, shaded from the summer sun, and situated nicely against the rooftop fencing, so naturally he seized the opportunity presented to him by walking on over and taking a seat. Verdict: 1/10. Disgusting, but would still eat instead of fast-food take-out. He grabbed another bite with his chopsticks and brought it up to his mouth. His pleasantly smiling face belied his true opinion as he ate and drank with his peers. If he was forced to give a formal critique, it would be long and nitpicky - as was the opinion of Minase Hideaki on most things presented to him. Still, he knew that flipping the bento over and throwing his carbonated drink at somebody was not a socially acceptable reaction to 99% of stimuli, so he kept quiet and ate. Hide was a patient person, after all. [quote=@Demon Shinobi] Just as Shi had predicted Asuka would burst through the door she appeared, hearing her name. [color=ed145b]"Well~ Seems you decided to aid me in making an entrance."[/color] She cooed playfully as she took a small bow. [color=ed145b]"Thank you very much."[/color] She smiled as she before giggling at the sight of Yuki trying to feed Luca. It was so cute. Especially given what they'd learned of her background. Once she scanned the area, making sure she remembered each person who'd showed up, she took a position beside Hideaki before affectionately elbowing him in the side.[color=ed145b]"Where's my key, Mr. Stalker?"[/color] She asked in a whisper a bit annoyed after finding that one of her keys was missing from he ring. Of course, she wouldn't be so loud as to make him out to look like a creep before their possible new comrades. Not until more was known about everyone. But she did want her property back. [/quote] And then that happened. Oh boy. Across more than a thousand parallel worlds, the consequence of Asuka's seemingly innocuous action was met with an equally innocuous reaction from Hideaki. Perhaps he would've ignored her or just given the keys back. Or he might have tossed them over the chainlink barrier or not have taken them in the first place. Fortunately or not, this was not one of those worlds. Hideaki's lips curled into a smile that was equal parts amiable and [i]shady as fuck[/i]. Suddenly, there was a movement of his closest arm, an incline of the torso, a parting of lips and a vibration of vocal cords. What was he doing? Why did it look like he was going to do a thing that he would regret after a few training montages? A still, silent moment passed and oh shit. Hide did the thing. He had his arm around Asuka' shoulder and was leaning in and whispering sweet nothings into her ear. Well, probably not that, they were still minors and Hide was not, as they say, 'a playah'. Either way after spinning a believable story about how he wasn't the dastardly stalker that Asuka thought he was, he spoke the words that she was dying to hear. Or maybe would rather die than hear, if she was a more melodramatic kind of person. [color=bc8dbf]"...And that's the story all about why I'm disappointed to tell you that, unfortunately, I do not possess your key at this very moment."[/color] ---------------------------But this was all a distraction. Yes. A distraction. A diversion. A ruse. An attempt at subterfuge. An example of prime HideAsu shipping material. A stepping stone to greater heights. Whatever you want to call it, that's what it was. Because while Hide did all that stuff that would probably get him set on fire later, his other hand was busy doing something sneaky. It was dexterously planting the key in Asuka's key pocket as the story went on. In other words, you could say that Hide was being... ...snea-key.