[center][h2][color=royalblue]Lorelei Tosen[/color][/h2][/center] The young Lady of House Tosen remained mostly quiet throughout the meeting and the dinner. After all, it was her older brother's duty as the stand-in Lord in place of their father. Her presence was required, and she certainly wanted to know what was going on and be involved, but she didn't have much to say. Her distrust in House Aseryo still existed, though much like the reasonable Silzard she was able to look past her objections for the greater good. Her people were dying and the only, or rather [i]best[/i], way to stop it was by working with Ryoichi. Lorelei was still angry with the thief who decided to peruse the castle, but putting him in a guillotine would accomplish nothing except further dividing the two Houses. As the night winded down and the parties finished their meal, the question of where the Aseryo party would spend the night. She had immediately made it clear to Silzard that allowing them to stay in the castle would not be acceptable to her. [color=royalblue]"People like them are the reason I carry this sword with me,"[/color] she had said at one point. Eventually it was decided that Ryoichi and his subordinates would stay, much to Lorelei's dismay. The young woman had to restrain herself from throwing a fit, as it would make her look bad and make House Tosen look even worse. [color=royalblue]"I will be going to my room, then,"[/color] Lorelei announced, standing up from her seat next to Silzard and leaving the room. She did not forget to grab her rapier, fastening it to her hip the moment she left her brother's line of sight. [color=royalblue]"The things I must endure for the sake of the family..."[/color] she mumbled to herself as she walked through the hallways of the castle. [color=royalblue]"At least tomorrow will see the start of a heroic campaign. Just gotta survive the night. But if any of those people find their way into my room I will stick 'em with my blade. Damn Silzard, wouldn't have been expensive to just rent out a hotel in the next town for them..."[/color]