[color=39b54a][h3]Tiffany[/h3][/color] [color=39b54a]"Marshall! Oh thank god you are here."[/color], Tiffany sighed in relief about to hug him when she pulled back quickly as she remembered her coffee soaked front. [color=39b54a]"If you call having your favorite coffee scald you down the front and now having to be stuck in soaked clothes for the rest of the day as okay then I am just fabulous. Luckily, I think I can handle this one on my own but thanks for the offer of roughing someone up for me.[/color] Tiffany chuckled, feeling a bit better than before but she was still planning to get even with that nosy woman. She didn't like being made a fool of but for now that wasn't what she would worry about it. [h3][color=00aeef]Nova/[/color][color=f49ac2]/Abigail[/color][/h3] Nova felt herself freeze up again as the video camera came to Abigail's facial range, pointed on her directly and making her feel like a rock had just sunk into her stomach. She felt panicked and sick just by having one of those things pointed at her but tried to keep herself calm to the best of her abilities because she wasn't sure she could get out of this one if she tried. She might not have known Abigail personally but everyone knew that the pink haired woman would stop at nothing till all her questions were satisfied or she got down to the bottom of what was happening. Abigail didn't mean anything by it and she wasn't a bad person but that didn't stop her curiosity from bothering others or making them extremely uncomfortable while she was left oblivious. She tried to keep herself from physically shaking and in doing so probably looked like a deer in headlights, awkwardly standing with her arms hugging her frame. Abigail on the other hand was ecstatic that they would hear more about Sarah from someone that was close to the missing person and that she would actually get to speak to Nova which they all knew was very different from Sarah and kind of illusive most of the time. [color=f49ac2]"Tell me Nova, how is Sarah's disappearance affecting you? What do you believe actually happened to Sarah Reed? Many rumors are flying around as you have heard but we want to hear it from your opinion. Do you really believe that she ran away? If she was kidnapped, what would you want to say to the abductor?"[/color] Abigail asked in one big hall of questions, one always connected to the other. Nova couldn't think, all those questions at once but when she asked about the kidnapper...she couldn't do this. She didn't want to think about a kidnapper. She didn't want to believe that is what happened to Sarah even though all the evidence pointed at that. She didn't want to think about what to say to someone who would take another human being and for a reason she didn't even know about. It made her fearful for her friend and what was going on that she didn't even know about. Instead of answering Abigail's question, she swiftly turned and grabbed her open backpack, not even minding as her sketch book and some pencils fell out as she sprinted away as fast as possible. Abigail was surprised for the sudden reaction, she went to go help Nova pick up her things as she thought the woman wanted to show her something instead of talk as she grabbed her bag but some of the contents spilled out. Instead, Nova ran like a bat out of hell which had Abigail forgetting the contents and chasing after Nova for a little bit trying to tell her to wait up and see what was wrong. Nova had no idea where she was going but anywhere was better than here. She didn't know for how long she ran but the school was no longer and sight. Carefully, she dropped onto a nearby bench, panting slightly as she looked to her backpack and zipping it up since she didn't know what she had lost and not wanting to lost anything more if she had. She leaned back on the bench, trying to shake Abigail's questions out of her head and looked around for something to do. She couldn't focus on school right now even if she went back. That in mind, she just pushed herself up and just let her feet wander as they pleased. It wasn't like she hadn't ditched school in the past or gotten into trouble before she had moved to Chronos View so guilt wouldn't come easy by doing so right now since she wouldn't be any good at school for anyone.