Takes a long swig of the tankard and heaves a long sigh both of happiness, as he no longer felt the dust from the road clinging to his throat as sandpaper. And of awkwardness towards his companions. 'By the Nine, how did we get to be stuck together like this. It wasn't hard to deduce that the Orc-Elf duo were the it contacts,' well either that or up to no good, he thought with a shrug. With the Argonian in his sweet trance and the Boomer shooting pleading glances at the team, Qa' Ra had only the Dunmer at arms length so he tapped him on the shoulder and motioned towards the odd duo, "Seems our contact's here, wha'tcha wanna do? Stay here..." as he said that he gave a meaningful look at the bartender. "... Or come greet them?" Not waiting for an answer he stood up and emptied the tankard, taking it with him. As he reached his Archer companion, he called out to the barmaid. "By the Nine! Girl, stop your babbling and get me a refill." placing in her indignated hands the empty tankard. Actions: attempt to pry Sinnon from the waitresses clutches. Probably intimidation check!?