[@xXSINXx] Xavier grabbed the lighter from Alexi as he pulled out a black n' mild that was in a plastic wrap and opened it up "Thanks....I shouldn't be smoking but....with all the stress going on....I need it." he said lighting it up. X listened to what was on Alexi's mind and silently looked at her. Taking a hit or two, "Yeah I heard you nearly died and I blame myself for being late and not joining you guys in the fight against the ghouls. Things could've been different if I was there. And....let's just say I'm glad you didn't die. Otherwise, there's no telling what we'd do if we lost you or any of the others tonight." Tapping some of the ash off his black, he took another hit. "Yeah...I'm well aware of the problems you've had in the past and besides tonight, you've given us a few scares before. Are you reliving the trauma of your childhood again since you nearly died tonight? Is that the cause of you having night terrors again and bringing about depression?" He asked concerned because those days when Alexi locked herself away, X and his siblings were thinking she was trying to commit suicide or something since she never answers when she locks herself away. and...not to mention, she can mean as hell in that state. Last time, the only one who could talk to her without her lashing out and get her out the room was Izzy. He thought about when Alexi used to have therapy but did not know if she wanted to go that route again. It sorta helped her get over the night terrors but temporarily.