Jimmy rubbed his chin. "No, we don't know with any certainty if the other wardens died. I'm doubtful that they did because I can't think of any building which would still be standing after so many death curses letting loose. Still, the council is treating the wardens who disappeared as MIA. " "I'm sure the other teams did try a little bit of everything we're thinking of, and I'm sure a lot of them went in with the assumption that the energies inside were the same threat, and it didn't help them get back to us." He sighed and held out his hand to take the monocle. Before raising it to his eye he took a moment to maneuver it around his fingers, examining the fine work of wizarding craftsmanship. "They did send several of the more senior wardens to check the place out before our turn came. Honestly, between the six of us there's really only one thing we have that they didn't, two if you count the fact that we have the awareness of just how dangerous the place is thanks to everyone failing that came before us, and that's numbers. So, if we're going to have any advantage that's going to be it." The building through the lens was like a watered down version of what he'd seen through his wizard's sight. There was the aggression of the outside wards and the other worldly panic of the inner energies. It was those inner energies that worried him though. He'd never seen anything like them. The closest he could think to that blue energy was the portals to the never-never, but that didn't make sense since the reds and the fairies weren't on the best of terms at the moment so why would they have an open gate like that? He shook his head and tried to tell himself the pain at his temples really wasn't there because it would suck to die with a bad migraine. "This is a really handy device." He lowered the monocle from his eye and handed it back to Jade. "Wish it was around a bit earlier. Definitely wouldn't be worrying about nightmares I'm going to be having for awhile." He nodded at everyone and moved to the front of the room and turned so the building was behind him. He crossed his arms behind his back and took a deep breath. "So we'll do this smart, or at least as smart as we can under the circumstances. We'll go with Jade's idea and split up into teams. The first one will be include myself and anyone else who wants to start blasting away with the expectation of getting blasted back in return. The second time, consisting of at least Regan and Damien, as you two give me the impression that your good with wards. Gideon, set up a veil and start working a circle as soon as I give the signal, which will be a big boom." He paused and looked at everyone, wondering if they'd agree with him or not, and then came to the conclusion that standing around and talking wasn't going to get anything done anyways so might as well get going. "Well we're not getting paid by the hour so lets get this kamikaze mission started."