[b]The Outpost[/b] Solasier stepped gingerly through the "streets" of the space station. The tension of the place filled his head like a fly had buzzed into his ear. He needed to get to the docks and get out of here, damned quickly. The streets were rapidly draining of humans as they hurried back into their establishments and enclosures. Whatever was going on, they were obviously just as aware of it, despite lacking psychic sensitivity. Even so, there were still armed men roving the pathways, most heading in a particular directions quite singlemindedly. Solasier did his best to keep his head down, nearly hunching over, and continued along discreetly. He needed something to keep attention off of himself. He didn't want to have to start the bloodbath early by needing to defend himself from the agitated Mon-keigh. The streets were designed to keep the populated contained and surveyed, which made things difficult for the Eldar, as he lacked knowledge of the side-streets that those more familiar with the station would likely be using. Even so, he spotted the next best thing: a diversion. A human cyborg of some type stalked loudly and brazenly through the streets, accompanied by an armed human of some type. The creature was quite vile to look at (humans were always coming up with creative ways to disfigure and dismember themselves), but it was such a unique presence that Solasier immediately knew that his disguised form paled in comparison to it. He closed in on the cybernetic monstrosity, putting himself in the same field of vision of anyone that would stop to stare at it. He kept a fair distance behind and his footsteps silent, so that the creature would not notice being tailed. Solasier hoped that with this sort of stalking pattern, anyone that would be looking for something out of the ordinary would notice the cyborg instead of himself. They seemed to be heading in the general direction of the port, which suited the Eldar just fine, and so he kept in his subtle tailing of the robotic human.