[b]San Francisco California[/b] Roberto took in a bit of the sights that the cit of San Francisco had to offer, but he kept on task with his assignment. His latest employer wanted him to get rid of a political rival who was staying in the American city for the weekend and the place was sure to be heavily guarded. This would mean that Roberto would have to think things out smartly if he wanted to take out his target. He kept himself out of sight of from the bodyguard and waited until dark. Equipped with his rope he slowly made his way to the compound where his target was staying. Using his powers he made the rope levitate and silently slither towards one of the bodyguards. It was too dark for the man to see what hit him and the rope almost instantly wrapped around his neck and began to choke him. It was like unsuspecting pray being caught by a python and the rope tightened around his neck blocking his airways. Roberto then made the rope yank the man away from the area and pull him into the bushes. "Ah not very well placed these guards are" he said to himself as the rope strangled the man to death. Roberto released the dead man from the rope and he quickly moved closer to the place. He sent out three ropes to take out three other guards and now had more of a direct way of getting into the complex. This assignment was going well and he hoped that there wouldn't be too much trouble with taking out this target. He had those before, especially during the drug lord job. He had been assigned to take out a big drug lord in Mexico and it had gone south rather quickly, he killed the drug lord, but he nearly got himself killed in the process. "Time to go kill a politician" he said to himself with a smile.