[b][u]The Trainer[/u][/b] Name: Renn Gender: Male Age: 31 Abilities: Having trained in the Fuchsia gym in his youth, Renn considers himself quite accomplished in his skills as a "ninja". These include, "How not to be seen", "How to run away with smokebombs," and "How to beat people up with those sticks attached to one another with a chain in the middle without also hurting yourself," among others. Side: Trainer Description: He is, in fact, dressed like an ordinary pokemon trainer. Jeans, shirt, a baseball cap, and a fairly big backpack. It is indeed, all about being low-key. Team: Crobat, Muk, Sableye [u][b]The Team[/b][/u] Name: Alice Gender: Female Species: Crobat Level: 93 Side: Trained Description: An ordinary Crobat, though a bit shy. Wears a tiny black scarf tied around one of her wings. Renn found her as a Zubat that had snuck into his house by accident, though all the windows were locked, and has taken care of her ever since. Name: Barry Gender: Male Species: Muk Level: 70 Side: Trained Description: A perfectly generic lump of toxic waste, but quite a jolly old guy once you get to know him. Name: Cindy Gender: Female Species: Sableye Level: 68 Side: Trained Description: A very easily distracted ghost, constantly on the lookout for SHINY jewels.