Gaelor elected to wait until Safi returned. Fortunately, no ill fortune befell him until his guardian returned. Gaelor inspected Safi's new look and decided he liked what he saw -- the man, now dressed in full battle-armor, looked like he meant business. The Hub would normally have been bustling with activity, but the streets were almost deserted right now. Gaelor eyed the few people he saw suspiciously; a group of thugs whispering among themselves, a woman and a young child hurrying inside a building and securely locking the door, a tall, cloaked man, and various other people. Their luck seemed to hold, however, and Gaelor and Safi reached the station port without any incidents. It was a large space with many open landing pads and enclosed hangars. Several large landing craft of varying designs were scattered around the place. Gaelor took a few seconds to gaze at them with interest before forcing himself to stay focused. Checking his data slate, he noted that the Rogue Trader had been granted permission to touch down on pad 12. Looking around, Gaelor eventually found a sign with directions. "[code]THIS WAY, SKITARIUS,[/code]" Gaelor said and stomped away. The Enginseer wanted to be there when the Rogue Trader arrived -- the sooner he'd be able to speak to the man, the better.