All the world was engulfed in fog, a bank that blotted out stars, so thick that your hand could scarcely be seen a foot from your face, and one by one, scattered across nations and realms, the Six would find their continued journey through the blinding haze to be foolish. As suddenly as it emerged it would suddenly fade, retreating into the distance on a chill wind that howled through the leafless woods and barren fields. There was no sense of shift, no strange pulling or tearing sensation. No dizziness or disorientation, just a sudden change - one moment, the familiar. The next, fog, and as it faded, the unknown. Around them was a wasteland gripped in winter. The remains of ancient battles long since passed littered the landscape, from broken siege machines now rotted and covered in vines to crumbling palisades and the stripped bones of long dead warriors. Looming ahead were titanic walls, once gleaming white now pockmarked with scars, spiderwebs of cracks around craters, and huge scorch marks. Atop the walls could be seen the tiny shapes of sentries moving between the ramparts, with small towers every few hundred feet bristling with ballistae. Beyond it they could see curtain walls and the massive spires of a fortress in the heart of the city. The first thing Lily Beckett noticed was the sudden, bitter cold, her first reaction to draw her cloak tight, only to be caught staring around, wide-eyed at the sudden change, a shock that only grew as she noted she was not alone. "Lammy? Eranah? What in Torm's name?" She furrowed her brow at the three strangers - and stranger seemed an apt descriptor of them. If it had ben their other companions from their quest it would have made a modicum of sense. Over their head came a cawing, a legion of crows flying over them into that forboding city. The wind began to howl.