Dimitri shot Krystoff a brief glare as Brutus slipped from beneath Izzy's hand and snatched the piece of meat from the air before trotting out of the kitchen, "[b]I got a case of voltage dew in my room. You're welcome to a can provided you stop giving my dog table food.[/b]". After speaking, Dimitri grabbed a slice of meat lovers and a slice of vegetable pizza before tucking into his meal and listening to everyone come up with theories for why the ghouls had been gathered. It wasn't until Izzy and Damien took their leave for the night before he piped up again, "[b]You were saying Jack's got an issue with skinwalkers Krys? I can talk to him in the morning on the way to school.[/b]" he said around a mouthful of alfredo. Dimitri was no stranger to skin walkers, they were how he'd been introduced to the supernatural world, not to mention how he'd met Mathias. The hulking young man reached up and brushed his hand over a gnarled spot on the back of his head, a memento of the skin walker that had thoroughly kicked his ass all across an Oregon forest "[b]Last thing we need is the runt going off and getting trounced, eh?[/b]".