Monsters & NPCs of Note [hider=Renwick Jezek] Renwick, or Ren as he prefers, has known Adam since both of them lived in the common district. He grew up with the boy Adam, and learned he was in fact a girl. But their friendship remained despite that and their differences in true rank, and when Adam and his parents moved back into House Ianus Ren accompanied them. Ren was hired on as Adam's personal valet and grew up alongside the other, though the difference in their social standing grew more and more pronounced as Adam aged the two remained friends. Ren is happy to have the post as Adam's personal man-servant and he has served well. He knows his master's moods and they often spend time conversing as friends even now though as far as most folk are concerned they are nothing more than master and servant. Ren has no family and Adam pays well; he has established a very good nest egg over time and Adam has helped it grow by suggesting shrewd business investments. When Ren decides to marry he will be well off and be able to provide a very stable financial future for any family he might have down the road. [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Isabeau D'Allende] Lady Isabeau is a long standing member of Ianus Congreatio. Her Talent involves reading a person's psychic energy in particular with how it relates to health. She can see and diagnose sicknesses by reading such energy. In the case of normal sickness she can often tell how it should be treated, in the case of psychical illness she can use her own talent to right whatever is wrong in the energy of a person. This has helped her to become an outstanding doctor, though not well credited as lady doctors are nearly unheard of. Her work was mostly with the poor who couldn't afford "real" doctors and with the members of the society. Her husband was a Botanical Talent and an exceptional chemist. Together they discovered and brewed many remedies that proved very effective. Their salves and potions were well known among those they treated. Yet despite their great success in medicine they considered most of their work at best useful byproducts of their real research for they sought a much greater discovery. Both were obsessed with the alchemical secrets of the Panacea, a cure all medicine and the holy grail of medical finds. [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Anna Havel] Birth Name: Anna Havel Other Names: Miss Havel Gender: Female Age: 21 Rank/Titles/Social Class: Born to a wealthy merchant, Anna's status is relatively modest. She possesses neither the blood nor connection with nobility of any kind. Appearance: A young woman of medium height, Anna stands at just about 160cm tall, slender of build almost to the point of being petite. She has a heart-shaped face with large, expressive, green eyes, and freckles dotting her cheeks and rather small nose. Due to a habit she blames her mother for inspiring, she is almost always seen with red-painted lips. Spending most of her time in-doors, working, she is rather pale as a result, and sometimes finds herself likening her skin to being the colour of moonlight. The rest of her follows the same theme; small hands and feet, though with nearly cornflower-yellow hair that falls in waves down to her waist, the bangs kept in check by a few decorated pins gifted to her by Lucie. While on the job she usually wears a relatively standard maid outfit, composed of a long, light blue dress with long sleeves and loose fit, over which she wears a white apron, that also becomes akin to a dress from the waist down, the edge stopping a few centimetres above the angles, as opposed to the inner, blue part of the uniform. Her hair is usually tied back in a ponytail or hanging free, but other times braided or otherwise done up. Personality: To call Anna a sweet girl would not be wrong, but neither is it entirely accurate. While thoroughly loyal and sweet, she possesses a slightly mischievous streak, that occasionally compels her to make a verbal quip that others with more self-restraint might not have said, something which a particular member of the society finds increasingly entertaining. They are, however, never meant to insult or offend, and only the most uptight and, in her own words, people with the biggest sticks up their arses, will ever take offense at anything she says. Beyond that she is incredibly attentive and quick to learn, especially when it has to do with one of her favourite hobbies: Needlework. Be it knitting, crocheting, or sewing (she is, however, partial to embroidery, sewing various animals into pieces of cloth to hang around her home), so long as it has to do with needle and thread she is always eager. But in spite of her occasional impishness, she takes care to do her job diligently, and to keep her sharp tongue in check, save when she is around people, who would find it as entertaining as her. As such, she has avoided making too many nobles and members of the Ianus Congregatio scowl at her. Psychic Talent: Anna's ability is something a lot of people would equate to future sight, or mind reading, but neither of those are accurate. She does not hear other peoples' thoughts, nor see images of what is to come. Rather, Anna has the innate ability which allows her to expect what people around her wants, often before they have even spoken a single word. In most cases it simply helps her be a maidservant who acts quicker than anybody else. Another application is one she has, in the past, used for self-defence, where it allowed her to foresee what her assailant wanted to do before he attacked, allowing her to duck far before his punch was even halfway toward her. In less serious moments, it allows for incredible wit, words having formed on her tongue that, much to even her own surprise sometimes. Other times it allows her to know that someone is approaching, and so will open the door even before they knock. Skills: Sewing - As a result of her work, and hobby, Anna is proficient with the needle and thread like few others. Cooking - Even though she was born to a, by all accounts, wealthy family, and had some servants, she still learned to cook. She may not be a gourmet chef, but she can make something tasty almost regardless of ingredients. Wit - Perhaps not an extraordinary skill, but Anna is a clever and quickwitted young woman, and often has a smart reply on the tip of her tongue. Mathematics - Having grown up as the daughter of a wealthy merchant, and having watched him go through ledgers, calculations, and various transactions, Anna has gained a keen sense for numbers and equations. Business - Maybe not on par with the likes of Aleksandra, Lucie, or Adam Ware, but Anna has still learned enough watching from the sidelines, to have an above average sense for business, including how to watch the market for when there might be a shortage of surplus of various supplies, and how to make good investments. Weapons/Fighting: Marksmanship - Anna possesses just enough skill with firearms to wield one with sufficient proficiency. She would win no contest were she to even enter. Hand-to-Hand - Anna knows how to throw a proper punch, but little more. History: The date is March 16th 1869 and Anna Havel cries for the first time, newly born to Jana Havel, and greeted was by Josef Havel - her father - and her older brother, Krystof. Her father was a wealthy merchant trading in spice and expensive fabrics, and whatever else he can get his hands on. She grew up with a comfortable life and received a proper education, which involved some lessons on how to defend herself. All things considered her life was uneventful up until her thirteenth birthday, where she started to notice ideas popping into her head that, whenever she acted upon said ideas, caused peculiar outcomes. Never anything bad or scary, but always peculiar. She would move out of the way while standing underneath an apple tree, only for an apple to fall down exactly where she had stood moments before. She would watch their cook go about his business, only to pick up a particular spice he would then ask her for moments later, only to notice she already held it. This continued for a few years, where she went about her days confused as to what exactly was happening, though not frightened since nothing bad had happened as a result of this 'Intuition' of hers. It was when she was nearing her sixteenth birthday that a stranger approached her and her family. Someone who introduced themselves as a representative of the Ware Family, and announced that they were currently looking to expand their staff, and were interested in hiring their daughter, for however long she so desired, or until she were to marry, whichever came first. At first stunned by the prospect of having a daughter work for a family of old nobility, Josef and Jana soon agreed to let their daughter work there. Anna was, however, sceptical and stubborn, and it wasn't until this member of the Ianus Congregatio revealed - during a private chat between the two of them -that he, too, possessed a unique talent like herself, and that many others who lived in the Manor possessed very similar abilities, that her hesitance began to wane. He explained to her that many in the House Ianus possessed talents of a psychic nature, and that she had been approached exactly because of hers. That steady work and pay were not the only things she could stand gain by agreeing to this arrangement, but also the continued development and understanding of her Talent, as well as others'. Knowing all of this, and swearing herself to tell no one of the truth, Anna Havel agreed, and thus went on to work as a maidservant in the Ianus Congregation, learning to better harness her Talent, as well as learning so much more about the world of Psychics she had previously been unaware of. Random: She is the personal maidservant of Lucie Ruzicka, having been requested for that position within a month of Lucie's arrival at the House Ianus. Wary at first, due to the younger woman's incredible height and sometimes odd mannerisms, she soon came to enjoy the position, as the two shared the same kind of wit. [/hider]