[color=teal][h3]Penny[/h3][/color] Penny looked around at the different shops, curious as to what they had. When she finally found a bookstore. She looked at the books that were set up by the display window and saw that they were classics. She kept looking until she noticed somebody's reflection in the window glass. Startled, she yelped and turned to face the man behind her. She let out a breath after he raised his hands in defense and apologized for startling her. She placed a hand over her heart, and answered "[color=teal]Th-Thanks, that would be great,[/color]" She then accepted his hand and shook his hand, her breathing normal now, and she introduced herself "[color=teal]I'm Penny Raybrandt. It's nice to meet you, Quill. And yes, I'm new to Chronos View. Just moved here yesterday,[/color]" She rubbed the back of her head at the mention that she was new to town. [hr] [color=magenta][h3]Daniel[/h3][/color] "[color=brown]Daniel! Are you even listening to me?[/color]" Daniel blinked out of his daydream and he asked his agent "[color=magenta]Huh? What?[/color]" His agent sighed and he commented "[color=brown]You really need to listen when I'm talking to you! It's really important to discuss bodyguard matters and where you should be, and that you shouldn't be flirting while you're here! There has been a report of a kidnapping here after all![/color]" The limo slowed as Daniel dismissively answered his agent "[color=magenta]Yeah, sure. Whatever you say, Gene,[/color]" As soon as the limo stopped, he stepped out with his agent calling out to him "[color=brown]Wait! I'm not done with you yet![/color]" He was about to enter the hotel until he felt someone bump into him. He looked to see who it was and saw that it was a girl with long blonde hair. She seemed distressed. He asked, putting on his best face, and with a kind, dulcet tone, he asked "[color=magenta]Hey there, what's wrong? Are you alright?[/color]"