[@Vilageidiotx] [@The Nexerus] we should be footing the bill. We are the world's most developed country. America is the symbol of world wellness and morality. As such, we should be the ones who should most invest in the well-being of others. It's why we have such a big military -- why members of our military are the most educated soldiers on the planet. For the past sixty years, we have taught ourselves in schools that america's virtuous place in the world [i]is[/i] a symbol as well as a real force. If we suddenly decide that we are no longer responsible for the well-being of others (japan, europe, everywhere else where we have military bases and military presence), we might as well start teaching in our schools that the wars that we've fought since and including World War II (Korean, Vietnam) were also [i]wrong[/i] as well. How can we suddenly decide it's no longer our duty or our task when our very history has shown ourselves to be exactly the opposite? When the people in charge of our nation and thus the people who voted those politicians in have decided that we ought to take a very active role in maintaining the world's well-being?