Victor plunged his sword through the last goblin standing. The poor creature howled in pain and dropped its small dagger. It gripped the blade of Victor's sword trying to remove the blade from its chest. Victor put his boot up to the goblins chest and kicks him away to pull his sword free. The goblin died screaming in pain. Victor looked around him seeing the dead corpses of five goblins. A lone wolf walks up to Victor and spoke. A normal person would have been startled by this, but this wolf was his spirit companion. "Good work. These goblins won't be attacking any more of the villager's livestock." "Indeed, now we take these goblin's head back and get the reward." Victor replied. Victor moved to behead the goblins but suddenly a fog rolled in. It grew in its thickness until Victor could barely see the tip of his blade. He raised his sword in defense of a coming attack. He could not tell where even his spirit companion was. Without warning, the temperature took a nose dive. The change in temperature alerted Victor making him even more tense. The fog dissipated as quickly as it came. Victor found himself in unfamiliar lands. Scanning the area for threats, he spots a group of people not far from him. He looked them up and down trying to read if they were a treat. Quickly, he pulls out a cloth and wipes the goblin blood off his blade. With a clear sword he calls out to group, "Greetings, strangers. I am Victor Ultimara. Are you friend or foe? And By the Moons, Where in the Abyss am I?"