When the fog dispersed the area around Lily changed drastically, What was once a forest filled with beautiful Foliage was now a ancient battlefield which had lost it's own battle with the snow and ice of Mister Winter. snow was so thick she shouldn't have been able to see her own feet, but thanks to her lantern silk that was a nonexistent issue. she looked around real quick and noticed that not only was there a giant wall that loomed dead ahead, but that she wasn't the only one who had arrived in this land of ice and death, for there four others who looked just as lost as she, she then heard the one known as Victor Ultimara ask a question of weather she and those around her were friends or foes. Lily Grinned beneath her mask as she somersaulted and the bells that lined her cloth ringed with everyone of her jumps as she made her way towards the man. she stopped with a spin in front victor "To be a foe would do me no good so a friend is what i will be to you" she stopped her spin then shot her hand out in greeting then continued "And to my friends i am called Lily the silly jester pleased to make your acquaintance" [@MarsAdept]