[@The Nexerus] our goal is to foster the well-being of the nations within our influence [i]as long[/i] as we are fit to do so. We have the budget and the revenue to do so. These other countries in that we have military bases in, most of them do not. When they are as prosperous economically as the US, then we should consider pulling out. [@Vilageidiotx] if we are not imperialistic by name, why is it that all our actions show that we are? -- That we do have a responsibility, symbolically and financially to the world's well-being? Why do we have more aircraft carriers than all the other nations combined? Why do we have such a big budget for humanitarian aid? Why is our professional military such that we can basically dethrone nearly any national leader that we deem unfit? Don't tell me we do it simply to protect ourselves. We develop a 100 million dollar fighter just so we can protect ourselves better? We fight wars in asia and middle east simply to protect our interests but not the [i]world's[/i] interests? We form coalitions with dozens of other countries simply to borrow their military strength in a desperate, sneaky attempt at self-benefit?