[h2]Penoraya T'mivus - Raya[/h2] The present that Jek was giving them was none other than a human. This brought out a horrible reaction from Ardan, he obviously hadn't been with the team all that long as he wouldn't have threatened the human about looking at her. She was death incarnate, so his little out burst was annoying but also amusing. Haze acted civil, though it was easy to tell that he didn't trust the human. Which was made very clear as soon has he placed himself between Daro and the human. Daro just simply took things in stride and even joked a bit,which nearly made her smile. But the smile never reached her lips, the only time she smiled now was when she needed to or when she was being sadistic. Raya glanced at Jek and could see that he was enjoying the little bit of drama that this human had suddenly brought up. The bastard must of known that she was looking at him, as he looked over at her. He was stilled pissed at her for killing Mevic, but his anger was lessened by a side perk she offered. Though she only offered to save Nik from the fall out of her actions. He smirked at her which made her roll her eyes before looking back at the human. She gave the human a sultry smile as she looked him over. To everyone, except Nik and probably Haze, it would of looked like she was interested in the male. But the two that knew her best, would know that the small spark in her eyes was not one of admiration or flirtation. But more how a predator looks at new meat. But only they would know. When it was her turn to introduce herself the smile was still playing on her lips, if only slightly. [color=blue]"Raya."[/color] She said not bothering to give her full name as it meant that he suddenly had useful information to get her with. She still had no idea why the others didn't do the same thing, but maybe it was a trust thing. Regardless she never gave out her full name as she had it bite her in the ass before. Hell she was probably still being hunted, but it was hard to find someone with only a first name. She looked over at Nik and gave a small nod, it was to let him know that if he chose to keep the human then she would be okay with it. She couldn't look at Nik for long, as her chest began to hurt. Why? She wasn't sure, it could of been she was happy to see him up or she was ashamed at how far she had fallen since he was out. Or maybe it was a mixture of both. She looked back at the human, if he had said his name she didn't hear it, so he was simply [u]the human[/u] to her. [color=blue]"Excuse me."[/color] She said coolly before turning and walking a short distance from the group. She couldn't be around them, though it felt nice to be with them again, she had a growing feeling that she no longer belonged. The three weeks did a number on her, she slaughtered many people on both sides and she didn't care. Being that careless about life reminder her of the early days when she first started her killing career. She was angry and killed anyone, including the innocent. How could she find her way back to not being the cold heartless bitch, or at least not as cold and heartless, as she was before the past three weeks. The torment in her head was like the storms that plagued the oceans of the Hanar home world. She could feel herself slipping if not falling into the darkness. Maybe it was for the best, but once you get use to the light, no matter how small that light is, it's hard to forget and you always want it back.