[quote=@Halvtand] Just checking in. Still working on my Namekian. That would depend entirely on how/if this technique (just like any other) has been passed on in the culture of each character. Goku had no idea until he trained with Kami, and later spread the technique to the other Z-fighters. Vegeta learned the technique (somehow) by watching them do it. Apparently Arcosians doesn't have it either as Frieza, the emperor of the Arcosians, is revealed to be unable to sense energy along with his entire army. Even later in DBZ it's not a widely known technique amongst the great fighers as Hercule Satan calls all ki manipulations "tricks" and his daughter doesn't believe Gohan at all about him being able to fly and do weird shit... This leads me to another question about androids. When the Z-fighters are fighting the androids in DBZ we are told that they do not emit any sort of ki-signal, not until they make an attack that is, which allowed Dr. Gero to escape almost the entire main cast, and allowed Android 18 to stay hidden from Cell even though he was pretty much right above both her and 16. Will it be the same in this game? Or have someone figured out that Androids emitting ki-signals might be a tad easier to track if they go on a rampage? [/quote] Although that information is not displayed in their profile currently, Tiamat's ki/life energy cannot be sensed unless they are emitting some form of ki blast or ki technique. They don't even use ki manipulation for flight (since as it turns out Androids have a specific integral device they use for that rather than ki), and their energy does not flare up during intense melee combat. So yeah, for the moment assume that Androids cannot be tracked unless A. They go on a a ki-blast bonanza or B. A tracker is built for that specific android. [@BCTheEntity], while from a perspective rooted in historical evolution and cellular genetics on Earth would make such a situation seem strange (fun fact: You need at least 100 individual humans for short term genetic viability, and more than 500 for long term genetic viability in a single population), the fact of the matter is that these are alien lifeforms who are inexplicably born with metabolic processes that allow even the weaker ones to blow up planets (bearing in mind that Vegeta, at a mere 18,000 strength when he first appeared compared to the 25,000 Arcosian base, was fully capable of flash-atomizing the Earth). I do not think close adherence to evolutionary theory was considered when their species was being designed and, more pertinently, I don't think we should let that bother us. To toss my two beans into the opinion pool though, from what we saw of Frieza's family - which consisted of him, King Cold, Cooler, and presumably either one or two unnamed inidividuals (Cooler is never referred to as Frieza's [i]half[/i] brother, and considering the familial designations and behavior one presumes the species is not asexual). So it might be that a clan is simply a single generation of a particular family line, which seems the more likely theory given that general power level and unique techniques tend to be hereditary in this universe (between Humans and Arcosians alike). I'd guess with 100 individuals, that's enough room for ~7-8 distinct clans.