[h2]Shi, the Quiet Killer[/h2] When Shi felt a hand on her slight shoulder, the white-haired girl flinched and immediately pulled away, turning to face the man and clutching the book to her chest, tightly. Why was he following, insisting like this...? Shi couldn't just let someone follow her like that. Her home was intended to be a safehouse, it was where she kept the weapons she could easily transport covertly. And... and he'd be close, and near her home, and that was just something she could barely even think about. Her trembling hands clung tightly to her book, her slender fingers clutching the volume tightly, as her crimson gaze was cast towards the ground, down at her feet. She couldn't even look at him. The slight, small girl was not even sure how to explain that he couldn't follow, and that she would be fine. Though there was one clear thought in her mind, at the very least. If he or anyone else followed Shi after she left her home, she had to kill them. Still unable to raise her head, Shi took a deep, shuddering breath and tried to collect her thoughts in order to speak. Her lips parted slowly as she attempted to respond, slowly backing away. "... W-w... w... I... b-b-be... b-be f-fine... I-I'll... b-be..."