"The Demon Lord is rising, the signs are obvious. He's not ready." "That's because you keep getting in the way. He needs to be stronger." "Actually, he needs to learn more. He doesn't know anything!" "Oh, yeah, because he'll be able to fend off the minions with a book!" "Don't talk about me as if I'm not right here!" It didn't help. The two spirit-ancestors, each a legend, were always bumping heads like this. Ever since his psychiatrist weaned him off the medication, he heard their simmering dispute in his head on a daily basis. It was sucking the joy out of life; his roleplaying group, for example, kicked him out because he was getting too twitchy. For whatever reason, during a tabletop session, Agmundr and Wystan managed to actually possess him. And then, they proceeded to bellow at the other players and give them expert instruction on how to actually fight the minions of evil. "Dude, never come back," pronounced Herman, the DM, as he gleefully killed Frank's character off in order to restore order to the game. So he took the bag of Doritos and the case of Mountain Dew he'd bought for the group and skittered away, hating his heritage and particularly his illustrious ancestors. So Frank (he hated "Fraaaaaaaancis!") found himself outcasted even from his fellow nerds, and tolerated in band. He was gaining a reputation for being twitchy. Teachers tut-tutted and went on about 'awkward, awkward adolescence' but this wasn't a case of pimples and a perpetual hardon, it was two voices in his head constantly sniping at each other when they weren't cutting his self esteem to ribbons. So he walked along miserably to school, because the bus sucked, while his two ancestors, as usual, ignored him and carried on a riotous debate that he could, unfortunately, hear, as he trudged toward another shitty year at Amber Valley High. He was still in the marching band, at least until his two ancestors decided to pull some stunt and deprive him of that too. If the Demon Lord offered a way to silence these two assholes clamoring in his skull, he probably would have taken it, bloodline of heroes or not.