[center][h1]"It's inside of us all..."[/h1] Accepting new players![/center] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/es.warhammer40k/images/c/c3/Wall13.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/670?cb=20120206205024[/img] [h3]Summary:[/h3] [indent] - A tale of perversion, corruption, and [b]HERESY[/b] within the Warhammer 40,000 universe and setting. - Characters can come in most shapes and sizes, their age, experience and so forth pretty much up to the participant; that being said, each character begins at the bottommost rung of the Chaos hierarchy, and I will immediately reject any God-like beings or over the top characters. - I expect, nay, I actively encourage Chaotic behaviour; human sacrifice, perverse sexual acts, the killing of innocent...but let's not get too over the top with it. - Our tale takes place in the most up-to-date period of 40K timeline, the beginnings of the 42nd Millennium. - All humanoid races will be considered - including Abhumans and the like. - As the RP progresses, you may well be given 'gifts' by the Dark Gods (they being...me), remember this and enjoy. - Just to reiterate an earlier point; no super-human killing machines, characters are to begin as the lowest of the low, although only in the Chaos hierarchy. Otherwise they can be anywhere from a Guardsman, to a Cultist, to a member of a Planetary Governors personal retinue and so forth. -Those that wish to RP a traitor Astartes will need to have both an exceptional CS, and high casual/advanced writing skills. I'm not going to restrict this class, but I wouldn't encourage it either. - Character sheets will be accepted based on merit alone, not 'first come first serve'; the more odd/powerful your character, the more exceptional your character sheet will need to be. - The tale shall begin in a location known only to those who know where it is and serve the Ruinous Powers (I'll set it up once the IC gets started), where we can gather the group, interact and so on. If you have any idea(s) of your own that might spice things up, please feel free to talk to me, though I make no promises that said idea(s) shall be implemented into the RP. - I fully expect, and intend, for characters to evolve over time during this RP. An example might be that someone loses a limb and seeks a bionic replacement, whether they get one will be both up to me as GM and the participants as a whole; character sheets will then be edited to show any changes, as with a TT role-playing game, and just remember that every action will likely have some form of reaction. [/indent] [h3]Introduction/Info:[/h3] [indent][I] "You take on the roles of heretics, worshippers of the Dark Gods of Chaos fighting against the crumbling monolith that is the Imperium of Man. The Imperium is the massive empire of humanity, stretching from one end of the galaxy to the other. However, it is beset on all sides by threats; both human and alien. It is also a harsh, cold regime, enforcing its rule with the iron fist of its mighty armies. The Imperial Guard, the Imperial Navy, and above all, the genetically enhanced superhuman warriors of the Adeptus Astartes, the mighty Space Marines. Though the galaxy of the Imperium is vast, there is another realm, alongside which the Imperium is nothing in comparison. The Realms of Chaos, the warp, the immaterium, all are names humanity has given this parallel dimension. None, however, can hope to encompass it, for the warp is a realm of infinite size, infinite possibilities, and infinite madness. Humanity makes use of the warp. Starships travel through it to reach the far ends of the galaxy, astropaths send messages through it that would, take centuries to travel across real-space, and those blessed (or cursed) with psychic potential can manipulate the warp's energy to do miraculous and terrible things. However, the immaterium is far from a resource to be harvested, or even an ally to be trusted. The warp is a realm of swirling emotions, of thought made manifest, and of the purest chaos. Deep in the darkest corners of the immaterium, vast, unknowable intelligences move like sharks beneath the surface of the ocean. They speak to mankind, offering power...at a price. And though the price may be steep, it is one many gladly pay. As a disciple of the Ruinous Powers, you have turned your back on the Imperium. You have abandoned the oppressive society of mankind, and turned to unknowable entities within the warp; the Dark Gods of Chaos. Now you fight for your new masters, or only for yourself, to gain plunder, glory, and infamy. Perhaps you will gain enough power to lead your own armies, rising up to command your own Black Crusade! Black Crusade centres around a small group of powerful individuals, the warband. You, the players, take on the role of members of that warband, either as Traitor Legionnaires (Space Marines who have turned from the Imperium and embraced Chaos) or powerful human renegade and heretic Disciples of the Dark Gods. Though you have only yourselves to rely on, you are some of the most formidable warriors and dangerous adversaries in the galaxy, and there is much you can accomplish with your own hands. The game focuses on your warband's rise to power and glory. Your characters must be resourceful, powerful, and bold to succeed. As you accomplish great deeds and defeat powerful foes you accrue more infamy and fortune. Meanwhile, you are constantly being infused with the attentions of the Ruinous Powers, attentions which can have very real effects and corrupt you in body and mind even as they give you greater abilities and powers. You must earn enough renown and infamy to impress the gods and be elevated to immortal daemon-hood upon your end. Perhaps you may even be one of the very few skilled enough to earn the infamy required to lead your own Black Crusade before your apotheosis."[/I][/indent] [h3]Out of character info:[/h3] [indent] Welcome, one and all, to the grim darkness of the future where their is only war! As part of a group, you shall be forming a group of individuals who have, in their own ways, dedicated themselves to the worship of one or more of the Chaos Gods; you might be a powerful figure in your every day life, or you may be the poorest beggar in an Underhive somewhere, it really does not matter! What matters is that you have turned from the faith and light of the Imperium and the Emperor, toward the temptation and ensnaring options of what-could-be, if only you travel the path before you. To begin with, as stated above, we will have a short 'gathering of the clans' - basically getting everyone together in one place, a location I shall reveal to everyone when/if I get enough folks to begin the IC portion of this RP. Your characters will be alerted to this 'meeting' depending on who they are, where they are any so on, but leave that to me. After this little get together, and hopefully some interaction, we shall proceed with our nefarious and dark activities in the Imperium. You can be more-or-less whomever you wish to be, although I would advise a lower ranking character - a Planetary Governor would draw quite a lot of attention if he suddenly went AWOL from his post, don't you think? I expect everyone will have some knowledge of Warhammer 40K, but for those that might lack a little, I have always found warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_40k_Wiki to be one of the best places to look. Just make certain that the information has a source, otherwise it is very likely fan made and therefore not canon. [/indent] [h3]Rules[/h3] [indent] - Sort your squabbles out in private. If you persistently disagree with another player or they're grieving you, involve me. If necessary, I will get the moderators involved. - No godmodding (controlling someone else's character). - Try to post [i]at least[/i] once a week- though more if you can, [b]let me know[/b] if you can't post soon, and please try for at least three paragraphs. - One character per player. - My decisions are final.[/indent] [h3]Character Sheet[/h3] [indent] [b]Please submit your character sheets by THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th. Post them in a hider in a comment in the OOC tab, NOT the Character tab.[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Your character's name. A pretty obvious one, so enough said. [b]Age:[/b] Unless you are not human, or a Space Marine, then please use common sense. [b]Gender:[/b] Male, female or other. [b]Race:[/b] Humanoid only, and try to keep them 'plausible' - at least as plausible as Chaos can get. [B]Religion:[/b] Which of the pantheon do they worship? One, all, none? [b]Appearance:[/b] A [i]written[/i] description of your character's appearance. No pictures. Please include here any [b]weapons[/b] they may have, and any [b]armour or clothing[/b] as well. [b]Personality:[/b] What kind of person is your character, what are their motivations etc, and how do they interact with others? [b]History:[/b] A sketch of your character's life and history. Give me three solid paragraphs, at least, please. [b]Skills:[/b] What skills do they possess, how did they come by them, what have they used/been using them for? [b]Equipment:[/b] What do they bring with them/carry on their person? Be sensible when deciding, as weight and wealth are both an issue. [b]Miscellaneous:[/b] Anything you want to mention but haven't been able to cover yet.[/indent] [h3]If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.[/h3] [indent]Death to the Imperium of Man![/indent]