[quote=@yukisaa] [@Letmehaveone2][@RhineQueen] [color=ec008c]"oh that's the name, I knew it was something like Siousha. But yea, i meet one, she said she was from a planet called 'Siousha', but she looked different then you. she was on Earth doing fortune telling, and wearing a Glamour to pass as a Human."[/color] forgetting about the man behind me [color=ec008c]"oh Hey! sorry about that... HEHEE! People?"[/color] asking Mikey. [/quote] [quote=@Rick Sanchez] He looked at the three figures, which had seemingly turned to do the same, then back at the sixteen-year-old. Deciding that Alex could catch up (and that he'd be better off lagging behind Mort, if the strangers were hostile) he prepared to jump. In two powerful leaps he'd closed the distance between himself and the three, and came to a skidding halt. His stance was low and defensive, half-crouched if the need to jump again became apparent, but he smiled as appeasingly as he could manage. The one who passed as human from a distance returned no strange traits up close, seeming to be a cute, normal girl in cute, non-affiliate clothes, but Toynbee knew better than to assume that meant she was powerless. For all he knew, she could shoot lasers out of her face, that'd be brilliant in his situation--or she could be a homo sapien, and she'd curl her lip at him or worse, start screaming. It seemed unlikely with the company she kept; that bush of pink had become a long-haired, oddly-portioned lady (he could only assume) with a blank, creepy face that reminded him of a guppy or something of that nature. And the hump? Now an actual fucking turtle, standing on two legs and large enough to squash Mort if it wanted. And what was with the orange wraps? So, two mutants at least. Sure, it made him [i]feel[/i] better about himself, but that didn't mean they weren't going to attack him. Keeping his coiled, tense posture, the green mutant put a hand on his skinny, sharp hip, used the other to brush his curls to the side, and winked at the pretty ginger--as if that would win him favors. [color=82ca9d][b]"Hello, luv. You look like a girl who knows where she's going. Mind giving directions?"[/b][/color] [@RhineQueen] [@yukisaa] [@Letmehaveone2] [/quote] Alexander followed him over to the three figures. One looked like another humanoid animal, a turtle this time. For him, this would be considered a strange place. However, Alexander was slowly becoming used to seeing strange things nowadays. Knowing it would rude to point, Mikey gestured towards the two newcomers(Mort and Alexander). "Over there." He looked at the one that came over to ask for directions and the the man that followed behind the frog-like mutant.