[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/euqf3Ew.png[/img] [h1]Nobunaga Inuzuka[/h1][/center] [hr] Nobunaga smiled at Reihana as she spoke to herself. It was a relief that she was different from her brother. She lacked his rabid over-confidence and rough demeanor, a more relaxed individual to say the least. Well that was what I saw for now. Hopefully she stayed in this light. A few minutes passed before Reihana asked if Nobunaga had anything specific they should ask. A good thought indeed. They would have to figure out a way to keep the Hojo talking and possibly leak information. His mind ran through a few questions that sounded good until he came up with something. [color=f26522]We can bring up the rain. It has been a dis-pleasant sight ever since that day. Maybe there will be some strong emotions attached to the rain. Come on. Let's go in.[/color] Nobunaga responded to Reihana with a hand under his chin in a sort of thinking pose. Oichi barked in excitement for the mission and Nobunaga looked down at the Ninken. [color=f26522]You stay out here, Oichi. I'll call you if I need you.[/color] Nobunaga placed to fingers upward and activated the transformation jutsu. His clothes took a different look to match the nature of a bathhouse. It was always a good thing to look the part. They needed to fit in if any of this was to go off without a hitch. Nobunaga smiled at Reihana, an aura of kindness radiating from his body. Reaching down to grab Reihana's hand, Nobu held a plan in mind. [color=f26522]Play along. Older people get sentimental around young love or so I've heard. Bring out any emotion we can to make this work.[/color] Nobu was equally afraid that this might backfire and it only led to the many thoughts of what could happen. It could all fall back on to Nobu himself as he was the only person in this team that openly dismissed the current leader of Konoha and could become a patsy for a failed mission in his own village. [@Partisan]