[center][h3][color=gold]Lucas Weston[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.giphy.com/uCNFgf4BvWAqA.gif[/img] ☠ Enemy || ☯ Neutral || ★ Friend || ♥ Love Interest[/center] [center][color=000000][h1][u]Hogwarts Relations[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [indent][u][b]A L V A . Z O L K I N[/b][/u] | ☯ [color=gold]"Random, kinda ditzy girl? Yeah, I know of her. Never really talked to her."[/color] Luke and Alva have never really talked, nor have crossed paths really ever, unless it was on the pitch. Even then, he rarely saw her because she was chasing after the snitch and not the Quaffle. He has sent a few bludgers her way though. [indent][u][b]C H A R L E S . K E M P[/b][/u] | ☯ [color=gold]"Worries a bit much, doesn't he?"[/color] Luke has neutral feelings toward Charles, even though he is a Death Eater like him. Charles is ruthless, which Luke likes, but attacking Mudbloods is not something Luke is into. He'll side with the Mudbloods against Charles on this, but anything else, they're on the same side. [u][b]E L I Z E . V A N Z A N T[/b][/u] | ☯ [color=gold]"Yyeeaahhh.... Can't help you there."[/color] Elize and Luke have never met. Luke hasn't even heard of Elize. He may have seen her around, but would never recognize her, even in a lineup. [u][b]E V A N G E L I N E . D R A K E[/b][/u] | ☠ [color=gold]"That bitch. What did she say about me? Hates my guts right?" [b]*laughs*[/b] "'course she did..."[/color] Eva and Luke hate each other, on and off the pitch. He always tries to knock her off her broom during games. She is the only person who can actually see through his lies whenever he is actually lying and calls him out on it. He always gets in her way whenever he needs to do something. [u][b]G R E G O R Y . J O N E S[/b][/u] | ☠ [color=gold]"The bitch's bitch? If she likes him, I hate him."[/color] Slick and Luke have never actually talked, but since Eva hangs out with him, Luke hates him already. Just to get back at Eva sometimes, he'll aim a few Bludgers his way every once in awhile. Besides that, they don't really talk. They have nearly gotten into fights before after Quidditch games though. [u][b]H Y A C I N T H U S . T R I V E T T[/b][/u] | ☠ [color=gold]"Ugh, just... don't get me started on flower boy... Fuckin' man up!"[/color] Luke does not like weakness and from what he sees from "Jazz", he sees a ton of it. He thinks that Hyacinthus is a wuss and weak. He doesn't even bother talking with him or even trying to make him mad or lie to him. He just ignores him as much as he can. He can't stand guys like him. [u][b]J O H N S O N . L E E D S[/b][/u] | ★ [color=gold]"He's cute, I'll give him that. And he's just like me." [b]*sly wink*[/b][/color] Luke and Johnson have talked before and are very tense friends. They are more forced friends than anything because they're both Death Eaters. They can, however, tolerate each other more than they can other people, so they might as well stick together, right? [u][b]M A D I S O N . L I[/b][/u] | ☯ [color=gold]"Great Captain. Really smart... She's alright."[/color] Maddie and Luke don't hang out outside of the pitch and really only give passing nods to each other in hallways and the common room. They run in different circles as well, where Luke is more of a loner and Maddie has friends she can hang out with. The only thing the two really talk about is Quidditch and strategy, but that's about it. She's one of the rare people that he doesn't lie to. [u][b]O P H E L I A . C R A F T E R[/b][/u] | ☯ [color=gold]"Never talked to her."[/color] Luke has never really met Ophelia, since she is in Slytherin and he hardly hangs out with Slytherin. But from what he has heard, he knows he wouldn't like her. He thinks she seems too nice. [u][b]T A D E O . D I A Z[/b][/u] | ☠ [color=gold]"That loudmouth back from Cove? Yeah, I know him. Hate his guts."[/color] Luke and Teddy met back at King Cove when both of them went there. Luke made Quidditch at Cove during his second year and Teddy was commentator from the get-go, so they knew each other from that. Luke hated Teddy, especially his trash talk to all the teams, and he may have accidentally sent a few Bludgers toward the commentator booth to shut him up every once in awhile. [u][b]T H O M A S . C R E V I K I[/b][/u] | ☠ [color=gold][b]*just laughs and shakes his head*[/b][/color] Thomas and Luke have a very tense relationship. They are the two Beaters on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. And because Thomas is a goody-two shoes, Luke doesn't like him. They are forced to work together a lot though, since they are the Beaters. He has hit a few Bludgers in Thomas's direction before, trying to get him injured on purpose, but has stopped when Maddie has told him to. [u][b]W Y A T T . B L A C K W O O D[/b][/u] | ☯ [color=gold]"Just... no comment."[/color] Luke doesn't see Wyatt as a threat. At all. On the pitch or getting in his way of doing what he's doing. Luke honestly does not talk to him, on the pitch or out. He doesn't care much for Ravenclaw in general, but he deals with them as much as he would any other house. [u][b]Z E K E . R O W L E[/b][/u] | ☯ [color=gold]"He is... interesting..."[/color] Luke doesn't talk to Zeke much, but from what he has seen, he thinks that they could be interesting friends. Though he doesn't talk to him, like, at all. Luke does his best not to piss off Zeke and tries to stay on his good side just in case he needs him for later.[/indent]