[center][img]http://dragonpictures.co.uk/images/gallery/Red-Dragon-at-the-height-of-the-mountain-759.jpg[/img][/center] [@The Bearded One] Once it stopped feeling the pain, the dragon circled and came to perch on a high peak above the castle. It had sharp eyes that were fixed upon Johnathan. It was an intelligent creature, she knew where the pain had originated. She growled low in her throat. Little bits of snow shook loose about the dragon and began to tumble off the peak. It blew fire into the air, a red stream of anger. Once, twice... Then the third blast, instead of into the open air, the dragon blew fire onto the mountain where it stood. The snow immediately began to melt. Evaporating into and melting into water that began to fall down the mountain in wet slushy clumps. She, the dragon, knew the little creatures were no match for her. They were small, they were slow, they were weak. They better hurry if they wanted to survive her. [@Arty Fox] "Heya!" Twain was in the midst if he should bag-and-tag or leave behind a jawbone. He looked up at Charles, then did a double take. "Hey It's the new guy!" He smiled and turned toward Gemma. "You've officially graduated from rookie status." She laughed half heatedly, then sat down to languish in a corner, she was feeling ill. Keeping the mandible in hand Twain strode over to Charles. "Twain here. Put-er-there" He held out a hand to shake. Then he glanced at the members of TIGER as they filed in behind. "TIGER? Makes sense. Rozalind jumping the gun again." He shook his head. "Good-to-see-ya-brother. Glad you didn't get eaten by a dragon. Or get frostbite." Zesiro muttered coming into the hall behind Charles. He looked over the unfamiliar faces and the alter with a frown. Twain ignored Zesiro. "So, Charles, TIGER." Twain rubbed his hands together. "We were just packing up the evidence to take back to the lab... Some of you guys look like your in rough shape. Anyone need a Doctor?" Twain was, among other things, a doctor. "Rozalind catch up yet?" "Haven't seen her." Zesiro answered, he stood next to Gemma now. "Not everyone made it out of the plane." "What happened to the plane?" "It got eaten by the dragon. Weren't you listening?" "Oh. I thought you were being sarcastic. There's no such thing as dragons." "Apparently that's a lie." Zesiro replied flatly.