They had reached their destination, Ouranos Academy. Wasting little time, the Federal Duo left the car to survey the area. It was just a school, yes, but they needed to find out what the students knew about Miss Reed, and if there was anything about her that could indicate going off the map or even leaving the town and committing suicide. Nic lived for the outlandish and dangerous, and Cassie had her fair share of danger years ago. When he got word that she'd be his new partner, He recognized her through her notoriety. She was a witty and fiery cannon with quite the track record in the Academy. Only Nic would be able to handle her. Cassie chuckled to herself, getting the attention of her CO. "Good thing her last name is Connor." She tossed the idea around, smiling and laughing it all up. Nic couldn't help but to smile as well at his partner. Sure, the movie series had a few bad eggs, but the newest installment wasn't that bad. "The last thing we need is future robots coming back in time and killing everyone with the same name."