Killashandra stood there in silence listening, her ears perking at the surrounding sounds of the temple. Or lack there of, it seemed rather silent for such a place even though there was obviously something going on there. Turning slowly she glanced over her bare shoulder back towards the entrance deep in thought if she should just press on or risk a bit of time here. There were a few moments of silence before her head turned back on its swan like neck to look back over towards the woman. "Perhaps I should listen," she said in a willowy voice, "to the one you speak of, at least for a time." The torch she held continued to burn, a seemingly endlessness in its flame as the it did not burn away as most others would and yet held its constant fire. The only flickering from the tip of the flame that cast shadows about them; ones that did not fall onto the visage of Killashandra herself. "If you would lead the way, I will follow," she said in a proper tone as she grasped her journal in her free hand, the feathered quill that was pressed into the leather of the spin whipping gently as Killashandra kept her grip on it; holding it close to the dark silk of her bodice.