[h3] 10 cents[/h3] [center] [h1] World News [/h1] publishey every month by the CWN[/center] [h3] A new kingdom arises! [/h3] At the start this Fall, troubling news have hit the populace. On the northern hemisphere near the borders of the RNI, bloody battles took place, when local tribes invaded the republics borders. After further investigation it was discovered that a group emerged and united all the tribes, leading them agains their neighbors. They call themselves the True Kingdom, and are threatening the lands around them. The situation got worse after trade routes opened towards the Irodien Empire to give help to the still shaking country, after the bloody civil war. These routes are have been raided several times, and now fortifications are built. Both the Irodiens and the RNI launched offensive measures against the locals. The Drakun refused to launch an attack, and declined our request to provide us any information. [h3] Weather worsening! [/h3] In the past weeks of Fall the weather has been worsening at an unforeseen rate. Already storm clouds rarely pass away, and all around the globe, the wind reaches abnormally high speeds. The sun can be seen only once or twice a week, and the general atmosphere is wet. The forecasts say that the weather won't change much, but they still have no clue what is this anomaly. We recomend that you take your parasol with you wherever you go, and put on a nice warm coat! It seems like winter hits us early this year! [h2] Stoludi in Peril! [/h2] [b]Two weeks ago, a pact has been signed between Stoludi and the Republic of the Northern Islands. It is said that it traded technology and manpower, making it mutaully benefical. The bonds between the two country seem to be tightening. As further diplomatic steps, Robert Williams I, gave one of the RNI's biggest ships to the Stoludian queen, as a gift of gratitude for being good neighbors. Ont he day of the launch, the weather was still bad on the Stoludian islands, and it was not only celebration. A week before they have lost the Eastern Wind in a storm [s]How fucked up that is[/s] and hit their morale greatly. It seems that bad luck has hit the small island nation, as the fort in the capital exploded shortly after the convoys departure. Casualties are still unknown in numbers, and it is unclear whether it was an accident or a terrorist action. All we know is that huge destruction took place, and many walls in the city collapsed because of the shockwave. The offical refused to give us futher details claiming: "We are still investigating the case." Further information on page 4. [/b] [right] Page 1 [/right]