Shela sat there going between taking long pulls of her ale and puffing on her pipe, sending small wisps of smoke up in the air and creating a thin haze around her. Looking over a the others for a moment before turning her attention to the one person that had decided to partake in a drink with her. "So, Red, what be exactly going on here? Ya'll started out searching for stuff to heal that Cinder Sickness and now your people be vanishing? Or just walking off? Seems rahter odd to me," she said as she rested the empty glass on the bartop and let out a rather loud and obnoxious belch. Shelas nose wiggled somewhat and then she sneezed. "What in the blazes. I dun see any jasmine around here, why do I keep smelling it?" she asked with a groan. The smell seemed to be around the town in general, mixed with the soft scent of fresh cedar. The smell itself wafted towards the eyewing cave to the northwest but seemed to be the strongest in the town and then to the east.