Birth Name: Lady Adriana Sona Pavlina Láska Other Names: Ana, Adri, Addy (Only her late brother called her Addy), Sona Gender: Female Age: 18 years of age, of marriage age Rank/Titles/Social Class: Adriana was born very much so a Lady, and has always been such. Upper-class. Appearance:[hider=Adriana][img][/img][/hider] Adriana is of average height, standing at five foot four, or 162.5 centimeters. She has long curly brown hair that she usually pins up into a bun, or braids and then pins up. She usually is seen wearing long dresses with many layers of petticoats, high button up boots, a fashionable jacket over her dress, and a wide brimmed hat and a pair of gloves. [hider=Examples of clothing] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][/hider] She is of a slender build, being as she is noble, she does not tend to eat much. She is also in good physical shape, being an avid fencer in her spare time. She does have a small scar on her back left shoulder, but she does not like discussing it or showing it. However, due to how she dresses, no one knows it is there. Personality: Adriana is a fairly easy person to get along with, gifted in the art of small talk. She is use to conversing with people from all walks of life, and is use to wandering the streets of Prague and finding interesting people to talk with. Adriana is very interested in the paranormal, which is part of the reason why she is part of Ianus Congreatio, besides having her own talent. For greatest loves, she has much love for the works of fiction, especially one by another young woman. She loves the dark tales from the Americas, and eats up the Macabre. She also loves fencing, calling it an art. She is a master, but does not get to use her skills often, since ‘Ladies do not fight.’ For greatest hates, Adriana hates frauds, criminals, her father, and sweets. For some odd reason she has never found a fondness for sweets that the others of her gender seem to have. As for her father, he use to parade around as a psychic, and made even more money off of people. As Adriana’s own talents developed in secrets, she grew to resent her father. Adriana is firmly Catholic, which is at odds with her talents and her paranormal knowledge. She is never seen without a cross on her person, and always has a bible tucked away on her person. As for her worldview, she does have a bit of her nose in the air, having been born in the highest rung of society, but is having a bit of change of heart since joining Ianus Congreatio and meeting more people from all walks of life. She is a little snooty at times, but she is working on it. Psychic Talent: Adriana can read the history of an object by touching it. However, what of what she can read in the history of the object can be rather random. This manifested itself when she was around seven years of age, and she touched a purse belonging to her mother, and saw where her mother had spent the day. She has used this to her advantage, in some aspects, but found that there are times where you do not want to know an object's history. She tends to wear gloves because of this. The last time she used it to her advantage was during a marriage meeting that her parents had arranged, and she asked to see her suitor’s watch. Finding out about his many dalliances, she spurned him. She never clarified as to how she knew, but it became harder for her to hide her gift when abusing it as such. So, she limits herself to how she uses her gift now. Skills: Adriana is a very well rounded lady, able to speak no less than three languages, play the piano, sing and also fence. She can also cross stitch with the best of them. She had to fight to learn how to fence, since her parents insisted that it was not a thing a proper young baroness would need to know. However, she was very passionate, having watched her older brother for years, and picked up the art quickly. She soon surpassed her first teacher, and moved on, becoming a master at the age of sixteen. For languages, she learned her native tongue, Czech, English and German. She does understand some French, but not enough to keep up a conversation with anyone. Weapons/Fighting: Fencing. Adriana is a master fencer, having started when she was about seven years in age, mastering the art by the time she was sixteen. Due to this she has rather good reflexes. She also always carries an umbrella for this reason, because who would expect to be fended off by an umbrella? History: Adriana was born into the noble house of Láska, an old noble family line in Prague. She was raised mostly by nursemaids and governesses, who taught Adriana to be a proper young lady. She was only really allowed one rebellion in her life, and that was fencing. She had grown interested in fencing after watching her older brother, Ludvik, fence. The art fascinated her, and her own brother would let her hold his sword after he was done practicing. Adriana loved her older brother, and the two kept very little from one another. She never informed her bother of her talent, fearing she would be put away in an institute if she told him. As he was ten years older than Adriana, he was preparing for marriage when tragedy struck. He was gunned down in an alleyway for money one night after returning his fiancee to her home. The criminal stole Ludvik’s money, and his life. After this incident, which happened when Adriana was about twelve, she changed. The bright bubbly girl she had been once grew more introverted, and much more interested in the macabre and morbid things. Her pallor faded, and she became very pale. This was changed when she turned sixteen, and after she mastered the art of fencing. Her parents did not want to have an ‘unusual’ daughter, especially not with her quickly approaching marriage age. They encouraged her to attend parties, as well as help her father with his frauds. She was disgusted with her father’s antics, but did enjoy the socialization. The color returned to her cheeks, and she started getting a bit more of a healthy life. It was through one of these parties she learned of Ianus Congreatio, and that she was not alone with her gifts. She sought them out and joined them, and has been a part of the society for a little under a year at this point. Random: Adriana is rarely seen without a ring on her right index finger, which is in the shape of a black rose. It was a gift from her older brother, and she almost never takes it off, except to bathe. Anyone who attempts to take it off of her is promptly beat senseless with an umbrella, or a sword if they are unlucky. Her parents are pushing her into an arranged marriage, but she is not fond of the idea at this time. Marriage is for later, in her mind. ((Left like this if we chose to add existing relationship between other PC))