Jade took the monocle and slipped it back into a pocket. Damien’s posture changed and he began preparing a spell. Jimmy took charge of the conversation and laid out the plan. At least he was being a bit more sensible now, Jade thought and she nodded.[color=82ca9d] “Sorry, Damien but I think it’ll be better for me to go with Jimmy. The support team needs you and as you said, you can get us out.”[/color] Jade gave the man a small smile and left with the first team. Jimmy lead the team and Jade followed close behind. The building’s ward was more intimidating up close. Gathering her will, she pushed the fear away but it was the years of training that kept her heart beat and breathing steady. As much as she would’ve liked to drop into her usual fighting stance, hand to hand combat was probably not a good idea in this situation. She drew her warden’s sword instead and waited for Jimmy’s signal.