[center][img]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/80589065/Random/Oslad.png[/img] [b]The Oslad Federation[/b][/center] Oslograde, June 3rd, 1836 The new year has already shaped greatly into a new dawn for the Oslad Federation. Financial Minister Fjor Lashkov has, since February, struggled with crafting a new naval and economic plan for the Federation, and at last his results shine. The ships shall sail across the western coast alongside our new economic partners in Skeptoni and Zellon. Lashkov's vision of a western sea economic pact has, at last, begun to see it's fruition. The 'West-Sea Trade Agreement' consists of the following. [i]1) Oslad, Skeptoni, and Zellon shall escort their partners merchant ships and vice versa. 2) All partner nations shall open their ports to the other partner nations.[/i] The goal of the economic pact is to open the markets for the newly budding companies in the west and to ensure economic stability within Oslad and the other powers involved in the agreement. [hider=Artist Rendition of Oslad and Skeptoni ships, circa 1838][img]http://www.fineartemporium.com/sale-HST-D3.jpg[/img][/hider]