[center][h3][color=9e0b0f]Alva Jay Zolkin[/color][/h3] [img]http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q223/erinlovesrocklee/kerligif_zps4386ec3e.gif [/img] ☠ Enemy || ☯ Neutral || ★ Friend || ♥ Love Interest[/center] [center][color=000000][h1][u]Hogwarts Relations[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [u][b]C H A R L E S . K E M P[/b][/u] | ☯ [color=00aeef]"Look at him! The guys like a giant super pale me with freckles and shit!"[/color] AJ admits to making jokes of the boy and all in all, finds it sort of interesting that someone could be as pale as her. The two have never really said hello, never running around in the same social circles. [u][b]E L I Z E . V A N Z A N T[/b][/u] | ☯ [color=00aeef]"What is there to say?"[/color] Alva feels no certain way towards Elize, having only associated with her on the Qudditch field. Don't get Alva wrong, the girls appearance is the kind that can take a toll on a girls self esteem, but her attitude has always seemed cold to AJ. The two girls tend to pass by each other in the halls, maybe the occasional nod passing between the two. [u][b]E V A N G E L I N E . D R A K E[/b][/u] | ☯ [color=00aeef]"You mean the boss of the team? *laughs* Right."[/color] AJ has respect for Evangeline, the girl being the head of the Qudditch team. Alva has never really associated with the girl, though tends to take what the girl says seriously. However, Evangeline's style puzzles the hell out of AJ. [u][b]G R E G O R Y . J O N E S[/b][/u] | ★/♥ [color=00aeef]"*rolls eyes* His name is Slick, for crying out loud!"[/color] Alva considers Gregory a friend and one heck of a card player, always challenging the girl at her own game. In all reality, AJ doesn't think the boy is to bad on the eyes, though has always though the boy had something going on Evangeline. Perhaps she shouldn't allow her mind to wonder aimlessly on the subject on her friend. [u][b]H Y A C I N T H U S . T R I V E T T [/b][/u] | ★ [color=00aeef]"Aw, you mean the little cutie from Hufflepuff?"[/color] Alva admits that the she associates with Hycinthus and even thinks of the boy as a sort of friend. In her opinion, the boy has pretty okay taste in clothing, though is room for improvement. The pair can be seen sharing the occasional laugh of two in the corridors. [u][b]J O H N S O N . L E E D S[/b][/u] | ☯ [color=00aeef]"You mean the really tall and sculpted god like guy, right?"[/color] AJ has seen Johnson in the halls, and even had a friendly chat or two. He stands tall and demeaning compared to the girl and has a pretty okay appearance. However, Alva would never cross that line. Something about the boy tends to catch Alva the wrong way, however. [u][b]L U C A S . W E S T O N[/b][/u] | ☠ [color=00aeef]"*makes weird growling noise* You just had to bring that son of a bitch up, didn't you?"[/color] Alva doesn't really like Lucas. -Okay, she hate's the guy.- He's constantly throwing those bludgers at the girl and, in all reality, when the two speak the boy tends to give off a aura to the girl that makes her want to just break his nose. Just once, Headmaster? Please? [u][b]M A D I S O N . L I[/b][/u] | ☯ [color=00aeef]"Eh... um.. who, again?"[/color] AJ has seen the girl on the field and up and down the halls. Perhaps even the occasional class or two over the years. Other than that, Alva really has no comment on the girl. [u][b]O P H E L I A . C R A F T E R[/b][/u] | ☯ [color=00aeef]"So many bad puns could be made of that last name..."[/color] Alva has seen the girl around, always remembering the bright head of hair on the kid. Having be about the same height with pale skin, the girl is one of the only ones that AJ does not find threatening or having a giant status. Other than that, AJ considers Ophelia to be nice with a hint of shyness. [u][b]T A D E O . D I A Z[/b][/u] | ☠/♥ [color=00aeef]"*sighs and rolls eyes* That boy..."[/color] Teddy and Alva may end up having a few interesting conversations, though they will most likely end up on the downside of things, he the possible type to rag her about her snitching skills. The girl will more than likely develop a sort of love interest for her soon-to-be enemy. [u][b]T H O M A S . C R E V I K I[/b][/u] | ☯ [color=00aeef]"Like... I've talked to the guy."[/color] Alva admires his Transfiguration skills, having no actual relation with the boy. A occasional hello is all that has passed between the two. They are in transfiguration club together. [u][b]W Y A T T . B L A C K W O O D[/b][/u] | ★ [color=00aeef]"He's a good writer. Pretty head strong."[/color] Alva considers Wyatt a friend, among a great writer. The boy has sparked Alva's interest from day one, he being just as head strong as she. The two can be hanging out on occasion. [u][b]Z E K E . R O W L E[/b][/u]| ★ [color=00aeef]"Oh Zeke?! That's my buddy right there."[/color] AJ and Zeke met back in their third years at Hogwarts, the girl instantly intrigued by the way he seemed to keep to his self, almost as if he had a major secret to hide. Alva has tried time and time again to make the boy's appearance a bit better, but has failed, their goofy arguments usually ending up with him ruffling her hair.