James awoke to the sun streaming through the window of the run down hotel room. He yawned awake and looked at the clock. "4pm" He thought to himself. "Time to get to work." He quickly showered and got dressed in the cramped place he had been staying at for the past few months. He knew he could now afford better, but he oddly liked it here. He didn't have to show ID to get a room. The owner took cash and never asked questions. It was a two-bit crook's heaven. He trotted down the steps into the lobby past the owner. They nodded knowingly to each other as James walked out the front door. Neither one knew the others name and it worked best that way. The hotel was at the end of a dead end street that was pretty much empty until nightfall. James looked cautiously around and, when he was sure the coast was clear, teleported with a small poof of black smoke. He landed a few blocks away on a rooftop that overlooked a very fancy outdoor cafe'. This was his favorite place to "acquire folding money" as he put it. He never took too much and it was usually cash, rarely credit cards. They were too easy to trace and he had almost been caught the last time he had tried it. He leaned over the edge of the building and eyed the patrons of the diner until one caught his eye. It was a man on a laptop sipping coffee. That meant he was going to be there for awhile and would allow James to work at his own leisure. James looked down the side of the a building where there was a small alleyway. Once he was sure the coast was clear he teleported below. He often wondered about the limits of his powers sometimes. If he, in another reality where he wasn't a thief, might have made a great hero, or villain. He shrugged this off as he calmly walked from the alley to the sidewalk where the cafe' was located. Casually he strolled by the man on the laptop and pretended to accidentally nudge the table, causing the man's coffee to spill down his shirt. "Shit!" The man cried placing the cup on the table and standing up to confront James. "Oh, man. I'm sorry. I was in another world." James said to the man as he reached for some napkins on the table. "Let me help." As he said this James hit the laptop with his elbow causing it to crash to the ground. The man cursed again, but ran to his laptop and knelled over it to assess the damage. James took this opportunity to quickly slide his fingers into the man's back pocket. Once her felt his fingertips touch the wallet he sent it into his own pocket. As the man stood up and faced James with rage in his face, James put up his hands. "That is one hundred percent my fault. Look, there's an ATM right there." He pointed across the street. "I'm going to go grab a few hundred out and come and pay for the computer. Cool?" The man, still fuming, hesitantly agreed. James quickly trotted over to the ATM and pulled the man's wallet out of his own pocket. He rifled through it and quickly pulled out a credit card and pretended to use the ATM. James waited until the man's gaze had shifted elsewhere before ducking into an alleyway and teleporting to the rooftop. He laid back and deliberately went through it. He pulled the cash out of the wallet before dropping it to the sidewalk below. James heard the man shout something once he realized James had vanished. The man would run over to the ATM to look for James and find his wallet only a few dollars lighter. Meanwhile, James would sit up on the roof and wait for things to die down before continuing on his day.