Béatrix silently stared at the cell phone for a while, turning it in circles on the table with a single finger. Even with over six centuries under her belt, Trixy liked to keep up with the times, unlike her aforementioned grandsire whom preferred letters over phones. Moments passed, and Solenne had not responded to her text. Maybe he was giving her the silent treatment because of her behavior? That was a bit of an egocentric thought, it was more likely that he was busy, perhaps spending the night with his new human plaything, even. Her stomach grumbled at the thought of some of her own human consorts. Trixy hadn’t the energy to go out to the club and get her dinner the fun way, so she settled with the bagged blood she had in her fridge for dinner. The light from the refrigerator cast long shadows across her face as Trixy peered in, grabbed a pack of o-negative, and promptly tore it open to pour into a microwaveable mug. Bagged blood wasn’t ideal, as it had a somewhat foul aftertaste, but it cut the cravings when getting it from the source proved difficult. The appliance beeped and Béatrix retrieved the blood and huddled it under her chin as a human would a cup of cocoa on a cold night. Closing her eyes and inhaling the bouquet of the blood as if it were a fine wine, Trixy tried to push the stress of the past few days out of her mind. After a few hearty gulps, Trixy headed out to the living area with her mug of sanguine delight. She sat at the piano beneath Francis’ painted portrait, it was one of the few items that she kept from the years when he was still alive, and she moved it with her on her travels. Cliché as it may be for a vampire to play the piano, Trixy knew how to play only because of her human upbringing. She wasn’t some magnificent musician, it was just a skill that all noble ladies in the 14th century acquired if they ever wished to marry, along with needlework. Never-the-less, Trixy sat and ran her fingers along the keys as if it were completely natural, tinkling out the beginning chords to a [url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWKGJYDJFFM]ballad[/url] for her late soul mate. Her singing voice was soft and pleasant, breaking with emotion occasionally. [center][i]“Oh the madness in the air’s so thick, you can cut it with a knife, and the loneliness is all I've got to get me through the night… You left me years ago, just sitting in this hole. It feels like yesterday ‘cause you won't let me go. It's like a thorn that keeps on digging in my side, and to be honest it's like both of us have died. Everything about myself just makes me wanna scream. Why can't every day be like I'm living in a dream?”[/i][/center] The rest of the song went on as ballads do. One line mentioning dancing naked in the moonlight. But the next line she sang was new, surprising even herself as it passed from her lips. [center][i]“And all I wanna do, is have another chance to fall in love again, Before it's over…”[/i][/center] Her fingers halted over the keys and a graveyard silence fell upon the room. Was that really true? After all this time wallowing, was she finally ready to move on? More so, did she [i]want[/i] to move on? Trixy glanced down at the name on her wrist before clenching her fingers into a fist. Maybe, but definitely [b]not[/b] with a wolf. Trixy slugged back the rest of the blood and swallowed it down hard. It was best not to dwell this little episode, and just go to bed; So she did just that. Thankfully, when a vampire goes to sleep, no amount of thoughts can keep them up, because they sleep like… well, they sleep like the dead.