[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RdH4puR.png[/img] [sub]character originally created for [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/86485-project-myth-reboot/ooc]project myth[/url][/sub][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Karlie Morgan [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Parent:[/b] Skadi the Norse goddess of hunting and winter [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Serial Number for prison:[/b] 0081 [b]Powers:[/b] Can create and manipulate ice or snow [b]Abilities:[/b] A skilled archer; Can sing [b]Job or Skill:[/b] Worked as a part-time bartender while struggling through college [b]Background:[/b] Karlie was left at the side of the road when she was only an infant and was picked up by a couple that ran a diner in a small town. She grew up knowing what her biological parents had done to her, but she never cared for them. They didn't want her, so she doesn't want them. Living in a small town that was almost completely cut off from civilization, Karlie was taught to survive. She learned to hunt for food. She learned to survive the harsh weather of their community. She learned to do everything she could in order to keep herself alive. But Karlie knew she was destined for big things. As soon as she was able, she moved to the nearest city to live with a relative while she was in high school. Most of the other students found themselves drawn to her bright smile and wild attitude, and Karlie loved it. What she didn't love was when she lost her temper and accidentally set off a snow storm. Thankfully, it had been near winter at that time so not a lot of attention was drawn to her, but it was enough to send her into a state of panic. She returned to her family's home at the mountains for a year in order to sort herself out, never telling her parents about her newfound ability. After a year, she gained a somewhat considerable amount of control over it. She continued school and acted as normal as she could get. She learned to develop an attitude of not caring about things as much - of freezing her emotions, to say the least. Entering university at an even bigger city had been hard since the Morgan family wasn't exactly swimming in riches. She had to make do with a bartending job at night and classes in the morning. It was after one of her shifts at the bar that the members of Project Myth apprehended her. Karlie didn't go down without a fight, using her powers more than she had in years. Still, the armed men overpowered her and she was sent into a jail cell. Ever since being captured, Karlie has tried and tried to break out which increased the security measures on her cells. They made the temperature on the cell rise whenever the presence of ice was detected. Guards were stationed outside her door. For Karlie's part, she's kept quiet for a while now. But that doesn't mean she's not going to try and escape as soon as she finds an opening. [b]THREAT LEVEL:[/b] Extremely Dangerous