Jack walked down the road. Under his jacket was the morning's earnings, hidden within a multitude of pockets. He knew the way back to his apartment by the landmarks; the subway exit, the bus terminal, the nut vendor (breakfast), the parking lot, the alley with the peeling pa- oof! Jack turned the corner of the alley onto the street when he walked straight into a dazed looking girl. His mind instantly ran into panic mode, laying out his options: Run? Walk? Go back? and somehow, what he ended up blurting out was [color=A9A9A9]"Oh crap, are you alright?"[/color] to the girl. The girl looked like she snapped out of it, but was confused. Jack looked around; there were people looking at them. 'Fuck, can't look suspicious' he thought. Nervous, he tried to look concerned for the girl he bumped into. [color=A9A9A9]"Are you okay?"[/color] he asked. [color=00aeef]"I'm fine"[/color] she replied as she did her best to ignore Jack. Jack, internally, was relieved. 'Good. She walked off. I'll just be on my way then.' He walked off in the opposite direction of the girl and had turned the block when he noticed he had something new hidden in his hand. He must have stolen it out of habit. He took another look around the street before opening his hand to reveal...a safety pin? Jack was surprised, but dropped it in a pocket quickly, and hurried off to the shelter of his apartment, lest he walk into someone else.