Ryder took her hand and saddled up behind her on the black beast. It was a rather impressive horse, but he'd expect no less for royalty. It was probably hand picked from the finest stables in the kingdom. He instinctively grasped around Gwendolen's waist when the horse broke into a gallop. She warned him, but Ryder hadn't expected such a jolt into speed. Impressive was the only word that came to mind. "The Red Ravens base themselves in Larson's End, the hamlet north of Valeria. We should make it in good time." Ryder could only hope. It sounded like Roland had a well-thought plan to easily eradicate the Ravens. However, Ryder's disruption of the guards wouldn't go unnoticed. Roland was too smart to leave such an important task to one plan. He'd have a back up and could have implemented it in the time it took to navigate the sewers. [center]=====================================================================[/center] Larson's End was prettier than most hamlets in the kingdom. It had to be. Many dignitaries and diplomats passed through it on their way to and from Valeria. It rest just between Valeria and the first major crossing of roads to the other regions. The roads were kept clear of debris and feces. The brothel only took the prettiest of simple girls. The inn was well staffed and stocked to make sure that any men of stature that wanted to stay would not complain of service. Some of Valeria's more successful merchants invested in these improvements knowing that happy dignitaries meant an influx of coin. Of course, there were plenty of mercenaries, adventurers, and travelers that took advantage of these luxuries as well. Pleasurable in comparison to Valerian hospitality, but at half the price. Ryder frequented the town himself when given the rare leave from the castle walls. The Ravens were well compensated for their service, but a long night of entertainment still cut holes in his purse. Ryder made the mental note to steer the princess away from the brothel. Faith points would be lost if she found out he was a recognized customer. "Head to the Giant's Den. The tavern is a front for the Ravens." Ryder looked around at a lot of the gawking faces sticking out of windows and alleys. In any successful city, no matter the size, those of questionable standing lurked in the shadows to seize opportunities. That was not mentioning the curiosity of the horse itself and its riders. He lifted himself up and let the horse continue before dropping behind it. Ryder walked up along the side and grabbed the horse's reigns. "You may want to dismount. You reek of authority riding through town." Ryder eyes swept between the sides of the street. Roland's men could have been in town. There was no way to know just how much Roland knew about Ryder's involvement. He had to assume that their arrival was expected. "You don't want to draw attention just yet."