"Lammy, I'm happy to see you too." Lily said as the druid yanked her into a tight hug - hell, by the feel of it he'd have been crushing her ribs if she wasn't wearing armor. In other circumstances she'd probably have been a little more evocative in the joy she felt at seeing him again, and Eranah. But as it was a chill was running down her spine that robbed the moment of anything resembling happiness. The first thing was the emptiness. Not just around them, the fields of death around the decaying city, something internal, like a spot in her heart that she hadn't even been consciously aware of, a point of warmth and light had suddenly been snuffed out. And yet her powers still coursed through her - reaching her hand down to half-draw Faith's Fire and seeing the pale flames begin to kindle along the blade was confirmation enough of that. That did little enough to comfort her, though. "Eranah, do you feel it too?" If the Cleric did it would confirm Lily's fears - that wherever they were, they were beyond the sight and touch of their Gods, even if they could still draw upon their powers. After Eranah replied Lily glanced around at the group. "We're not safe out here. Old battlefields like this are almost always haunted, and I see no signs this ground has been consecrated. Certainly no one has taken the time to lay the dead to rest properly." The Paladin grimaced. That city set off all her 'bad place' and 'don't want to go there' instincts, but they needed information, shelter, a place to start, and she saw no other options. "That city - look, it's not ruins. You can see men atop the walls, intact banners still flying. It must still be inhabited. We should make our way there, maybe someone there can explain why we've been brought here."