[quote=@tsukune] SAO is kinda meh compared to other anime of similar genre/setting - Log Horizon has a decent concept, albeit the pace is too slow for comfort (and it becomes blatantly obvious how much the fanservice is dragging out the whole story); No Game No Life is pretty good, but it's quite short and I'm hoping for a second season - which won't happen from the looks of it. [/quote] Thats a bit like Highschool of the Dead. I was really enjoying the concept and hardly any anime series venture into the post apocalypse zombie theme, yet I felt that the story was ruined mostly due to the fan service. Can you guess which scene I'm talking about? [hider] [img]http://stream1.gifsoup.com/webroot/animatedgifs3/4239554_o.gif[/img] [/hider]