Yays for living! And yesh, he is cute :P I keep having this. . . Interesting/intense scene going through my head just thinking of how Rei responds to Alessandro and his affections. I see them, either one night in his room, or caught in the rain taking shelter in a random secluded spot, Ale having that same urge from before, but perhaps a step further and just saying something like, "I want to touch you." or something like that. And Rei basically going "Uh, sure? As long as you are not planning on cutting something off." or something equally. . . . .Not responding how someone normally responds to something like that, but giving Ale the okay. Then basically, Rei being very responsive to the touch, and despote this being very new and him having the distinct impression he's missing something again, him not stopping Ale at any point because he said the prince can do whatever, as long as he's not harming him. I see Rei coming out of it rather exhausted(Even if all he does is get Rei off) and instinctively just needing contact after that and climbing on top of Ale and just falling asleep. In my head, this would(And forgive my assumptions) leave the prince happy, sad, and confused. Happy because, yay intimacy with someone he admires! Sad because he would realize that whatever it meant for him, Rei obviously from the beginning saw the whole thing differently(Because Rei), and confused as to what he wants, what he was looking for, and where they now stand with one another. . . .Again sorry for assuming. *Bows* I just keep having it run through my head. Rei going from doll like to basically a glistening mess(Sexual activity, one of the few things that can make a fae sweat, who knew!?) and he himself wondering on all new levels about Ale and himself and sheer culture shock(Given his background of no affection whatsoever from either his people or those who raised him). . . .So, yeah, thing in my head. We don't have to do it or anything, I just thought I'd share it in case you'd find it interesting. I still can't wait for that moment(I think it's tonight) when Alessandro pulls Rei into bed during his evening check on the prince :P It's so cute :P