[hider=Tali Lowe/Athena][center][h1][color=CC6699]Tali Lowe[/color][/h1] [IMG]https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/83862557/tali2.png[/IMG] [i]"He that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow."[/i] -[b]The Teacher, Ecclesiastes[/b][/center][hr][hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Personal Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=CC6699][u]Name:[/u][/color]Natalia Rianna Lowe [color=CC6699][u]Nickname:[/u][/color] Tali [color=CC6699][u]Birth Date:[/u][/color] 3/15 [color=CC6699][u]Age:[/u][/color] 21 [color=CC6699][u]Gender:[/u][/color] Female [color=CC6699][u]Sexuality:[/u][/color] Heterosexual [hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]In The Mirror[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=CC6699][u]In Depth Appearance:[/u][/color] If you're looking at Tali above the neck, the first thing you would notice would be two large, bright, emerald green eyes, set on either side of a nose that's decidedly average in size, but just a little turned up at the end. The white lines of scars that run rampant over Tali's body haven't left her face untouched, each doing its dance across her nose, over her high cheekbones and even in her eyes, the lines showing up as electric blue lightning bolts in the green. They lead upward into her longer than shoulder length wavy ebony hair and down her neck to the collar of whatever outfit she's wearing, the only facial feature not marked her lips, fuller than average and more often smirking than smiling. Her hair isn't even untainted, small flecks of white in her hair giving it the appearance of a starry night. Those scars continue their little ballet down her shoulders, spreading out like a plague, especially apparent against her tan skin, granted by time in the sun instead of any intentional means. They carry on through her full figure, over her well-muscled stomach, and all the way to her feet, remaining as nothing more than lines apart from her scalp, normally concealed by her long black hair. The scars there rise slightly above the skin, becoming a little red and twisted looking. The other defining lines on her skin are the tattoos she has, all obtained in recent times. The first is a floral script of “Veni, Vidi, Vici” down her left forearm. The second is "Homo, fuge!" written in archaic letters on her right forearm. Spiraling around her right bicep in italicized font is “the Truth shall set you free,” and her final tattoo is the white inked, plain letters of “These are the scars [i]I[/i] chose” across her midriff. Immediately after using her powers on a high level, Tali will go pale and seem to be sick, until she can regain her strength. [color=CC6699][u]Clothing Style:[/u][/color] Normally, loose jeans and long sleeved shirts. Anything to cover the scars. She might wear slightly scantier clothes if she's with people she trusts, but she almost always has a hat of some kind. Not worth risking letting them see the scars under her hair. [hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Delving Deeper[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=CC6699][u]Likes:[/u][/color] [list][*]Cooking. [*]Painting, though she's not terribly good at it. [*]Spending time with friends away from supernatural places. [*]Her father. [*]Martial arts.[/list] [color=CC6699][u]Dislikes:[/u][/color] [list][*]Her mother. [*]Most magic-her limitation to science based alchemy might be psychological rather than deity enforced. [*]Those who force her to use her abilities in some way. [*]Power training. [*]Her disease.[/list] [color=CC6699][u]Fears:[/u][/color] [list][*]That her powers will kill her. [*]That her mother will return and reveal she's not quite done. [*]That her knowledge will make her lose touch with being human.[/list] [color=CC6699][u]Habits:[/u][/color] [list][*]Biting her lower lip/stuttering when she gets nervous. [*]Flinching before any use of her powers. [*]Zoning out.[/list] [color=CC6699][u]Personality:[/u][/color] [center][u]♦ Stressed ♦ Awkward ♦ Dependent ♦ Loyal[/u][/center] Tali is extremely reliant on friends and family emotionally and physically, since her lungs prevent her from doing a large amount of aerobic activity or leading a lifestyle where she gets involved in a lot of things. Anyone who sticks by her, however, has found a lifelong friend--she doesn't forget anyone who's nice to her or cares for her. Unfortunately, her pain sometimes leads to lashing out at those she loves, causing awkward situations she doesn't know exactly how to fix... But she's learning. Her scars are generally an off limits topic. [color=CC6699][u]Background:[/u][/color] Tali is an oddity among demigods: she was born entirely without powers, or any other indication of her divine heritage other than an owl birthmark on her forehead. To his credit, her father never judged her for it-- if anything, he seemed happy that his daughter would never be cursed with the burden of massive power or having to know that her mother was Athena. The only psychological indication was her desire to know as much as she could... And that was good enough. All that changed on her thirteenth birthday. Her mother appeared to her and asked if she wanted to know everything there was to know, past, present, and future, a gift that she accepted. It was all she ever wanted, to learn. But that wasn't the lesson her mother taught her that day. Athena shook her head, putting her hand on the girl's forehead. "This is what it means to know everything, my little fledgling. Do not ever ask for intelligence in the place of wisdom." Visions battered her brain, visions of equations, words, beauty, love... Visions of suffering, visions of pain, visions of every horror and terror committed under the sun, past and present. Smashing into her, ripping into her body through the birthmark on her forehead, burning skin, scorching into her hair follicles, blasting her lungs, her eyes, every part of her wracked with the incinerating touch of pure, unadulterated information. And when the pain was over, when the thirteen year old could finally move from the floor she'd been writhing on... Her mother was gone, but proof of her appearance was still there, scarred into every inch of Tali's body. While the external scars aren't such a major deal, her lungs have been permanently damaged. Under normal circumstances, she's able to live a relatively normal life, but any usage of her powers will agitate the scarring, causing her to burst into coughing fits, and will give her massive headaches. [color=CC6699][u]Extra:[/u][/color] I like HADES HA! [hr][center][color=gold][h1][u]Godly Information[/u][/h1][/color][/center] [color=CC6699][u]Godly Parent:[/u][/color] Athena [color=CC6699][u]Relationship With Godly Parent:[/u][/color] Interesting. Tali blames her mother for her pain and the scars she bears, but realizes in some ways that she asked for it. Still, she will not deal with her mother unless forced to. [color=CC6699][u]Godly Abilities:[/u][/color] Unless noted otherwise, any power usage causes the scars lining Tali's body to glow, and will likely cause her to feel sick upon powering down. Information Access: Tali's scars aren't just lines--they're code, in thousands of languages and ciphers, infinitely compressed with only the power the goddess of knowledge has. In their writing they contain all the knowledge that was, is, and will be. With effort, she can access anything stored in the scars, though it becomes prohibitively painful the more remote the knowledge is in time and in familiarity. She cannot foretell the future except in the most general sense, and the effort will almost certainly kill her. Perfect Memory: Since anything she has learned herself is immediately familiar to her, the recollection of it is instant, painless, and perfect. Serene Grace: As the daughter of the goddess of law, Tali can reach a protected state where force directed against her will be deflected away under her mother's power. However, this is only active when she is not attempting to make combat actions against another individual. Any aggression will break the feeling of rightness and calm necessary and cause immediate pain from power surge. Strategic Mindset: As long as she's willing to endure the pain, Tali can allow a group allied with her to work in tandem better than ordinarily possible. At its maximum level, a ragtag group of street basketball players could perform with the cohesiveness and team mind of an NBA team, though not with near the talent and physical capabilities--and keeping the effect active is tremendously painful. [/hider]